Your home is probably the most expensive thing you have ever or will ever buy, and not only that, but it is the place where you feel most safe and secure. It stands to reason that you will want to do everything you can to maximize your home’s lifespan.
We tend not to think of houses, unlike people and animals, as having lifespans, but it is often the case that a home will not last forever without dancing significant damage and crumbling to little more than ruins. So, if you want your home to be around as long as you are, and even to outlive you, there are a few sensible precautions you should take, including the following:
Install siding
One of the best things you can do to help your home live longer is to pay for a siding installation. Siding is one of the most effective ways of protecting our home’s exterior from the elements. When it is installed correctly by a professional team it can keep your home safe from the elements, including rain and ice, for anywhere between 15 and 100 years or more, depending on the product you choose.
As if that was not enough, it can also dramatically improve your home’s curb appeal and add value to your property, so you really should look at installing siding as a great investment for the future.
Plant trees at the border
If you are someone who loves trees, and you want to have them on your property, then it is really imp[ortnt that you plant them at the outer border edges of your property and not close to your home. Why? Because trees grow and as they grow bigger their roots grow bigger too. They can end up getting into the foundations of your home and causing cracks and subsidence to occur. It can be a really expensive job to put right, and your home may just not survive or be the same again once a tree has wormed its way into the foundations, so it is better to be safe than sorry.
Deal with leaks as soon as possible
If you want your home to have a long lifespan, then you should never ignore leaks on and around your property, no matter how insignificant you might think they are. Why? Because leaks can seep into the was and foundations and cause crackle and holes to form. These can erode the very fabric of your home over time.
Of course, leaks can also lead to dampness, and dampness is something else that you should never ignore because once it starts to spread it can cause similar issues, as well as being really bad for your own health too.
Deal with dampness and leaks immediately and your home is more likely to survive in a good condition for much longer, so even if it means a heavy contractor’s bill to pay, it will be worth it.
Run water through unused pipes regularly
If there are parts of your home, such as the guest bathroom or basement toilet that would not usually get much if any use day-to-day, it is a good idea to go and turn the faucets on or flush the toilets to get some water flowing through them. Not only will this enable you to identify any leaks quickly, but it will also stop dirt and grime from building up in the pipes, which could cause problems like blockages and erosion at a later date.
Check the roof, gutters, and wiring regularly
Regular maintenance is the main thing that will help your home to have a longer lifespan and in particular. Ensuring that your roof is always in a good state of repair will help as it will avoid leaks, dampness, dry rot, and various other problems from setting in.
Similars. Cleaning the gutters regularly will help to keep the elements at bay, and ensuring your wiring is checked by an expert annually will help to minimize the chances of fire or other electrical disasters that could ruin your home in the long term and cause a very real threat to the safety of your family too.
As you can see, there are lots of measures you can take to increase the lifespan of your home in the long term, and make it less likely that it will need to undergo significant repairs in the short term, so the above ideas are definitely worth thinking about if you want to protect the integrity of your property.