Along with The Bragging Mommy I also have a family blog. I haven’t been very good at keeping up with it lately, but for the first couple years of Bug’s life I posted very regularly on it. So it is a journal of Bug’s first couple years of life, in fact it’s better than a journal because it has pictures. It’s more of a journal scrapbook. So I was thinking, “I wish I could have all this in a hard copy to look back at one day”.
Then I came across Blog2Print and I knew right them that I had to make my blog into a book. Creating my blogbook on Blog2Print was so easy! You just put in your blog info and password and Blog2Print pulls up your blog posts. You can choose a time frame or pull up all your posts. Then you can create your blogbook using whichever posts you want. You can choose to remove posts, create your front and back covers, make a table of contents and more. There are so many options for creating your blogbook as well as printing it.
20 page blogbooks start at just $20! Here is an example of what the inside pages look like:
Also Blog2Print has 7 new enhancements that make your experience even better:
- Added the ability to purchase a less expensive book by implementing a black and white print option.
- Allowing users to update the table of contents features for more customization.
- Created interactivity by offering a downloadable PDF file so users can retain the book on their hard drive.
- Providing label support to correspond with the labels used in separate content online.
- Allowing access to Blog2Print using Google Chrome to provide more efficient use of online time.
- Supporting self hosted WordPress, the latest blogging platform.
- Providing user with the choice of a black cover for their books, which was not a color option before.
When my Blogbook arrived I was so happy with the way it turned out. The print quality is great. It is a book that has so many cherished memories inside it. I am so happy to have my blog printed into a book. It is something I will be doing from now on. Blog2Print does a wonderful job with taking your blog and making it into a logbook!
You can also learn about check writer software free.
Head over to to start making your blogbook today!
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Blog2Print gets Bragging Rights!
*I received a blogbook from Blog2Print for my review.