When you run a business, one needs to keep an eye on the bottom line, which is making money. But it’s important to keep in mind that making money and saving money go hand in hand, and in business, cutting costs is as crucial to a particular company’s success as a sharp business plan. How a company is managed determines that success of that company as much as the type of products or service it offers.
With that in mind, take a look at certain materials your company has that could possibly help you in cutting corners. If your company uses up a good amount of ink and toner for printers and fax machines, there are ways to somehow still earn money for that. Surplustonersinc.com is a site for a company that purchases any amount of these materials from companies and other entities. Many business owners have opted to just sell toner and their ink in order to save money. Make the most of your ink and toner. Sell them.