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Self-education doesn’t have to be all about flashcards and memorization. It can also be fun if you just think out of the box.

Whether self-education involves homeschooling your child or embarking on a self-learning journey, you should add a fun factor to it.
So, do you want to make self-education entertaining? Here are some ideas.
1. Use Games during Learning
You don’t have to memorize to learn. You can use games instead.
Games are incredibly helpful when it comes to teaching your kids. Games allow kids to be kids, and children learn so much more when they are having fun.
For instance, rather than have your child spell new words, let them complete a word puzzle using the same words. You can also let them jump on a trampoline while they answer science questions.
Some examples of educational games that can be perfect for your child’s self-education journey include:
· Blink game for brain training
· 10 days in the USA for a geography or history lesson
· Bible and character-building games
· Jenga game to encourage critical thinking
· Chutes and ladders to improve maths skills
2. Go On a Field Trip
Field trips are fun for children and adults too.
Field trips also provide multiple learning opportunities. For instance, you get to explore a new environment, pick up new words from the visit, and learn from real-life experiences.
Places you can choose to visit with your child that can provide learning opportunities include:
· A greenhouse to learn about how plants grow
· A zoo to gain knowledge of different wild animals
· A farm when learning about different types of foods and farm animals
· A museum for a historical lesson
· A Factory to learn about manufacturing
3. Move Away From Routine
Self-education can be fun if there is an element of surprise to it.
Being spontaneous, especially when you’re homeschooling your child, makes learning more exciting, and your kids will always look forward to your lessons.
If you have an opportunity to say or do something funny, don’t hesitate. You can also choose to play out a Bible story rather than reading it. If you’re teaching a music lesson, incorporate dance and let the children join in. You can also invite an expert to talk to the children on a given topic or hire a tutor in Melbourne for a few lessons to break the routine.
Be energetic and enthusiastic, and keep your kids on their toes. This will not only make education fun, but it will be easier for them to remember what they have learned.
4. Check Out Educational Videos and Documentaries
Go beyond the textbooks and watch a video or a documentary on YouTube. For instance, if you’re learning how to play a musical instrument, watch an instructional YouTube video on it rather than reading a book. Similarly, let your children learn how to prepare a new recipe by watching a video.
Online tools such as Google Street View Treks can bring the magic of the world right in your living room and help you learn about other places around the globe by taking a virtual tour to different tourist destinations.
Whether it’s you or your child who is on a self-education journey, they should experience different ways of learning. Incorporate the above four methods in your learning to make it more interesting.