I received a box from Mac & Mia for review, all opinions are my own.
I absolutely love dressing my girls in cute outfits. BUT sometimes I would just like it if someone else would pick out the outfits, ship them to my home and then I can decide which I like. Oh wait there is! Mac & Mia is a great online children’s clothing subscription service that does just that!
Mac & Mia sent me several items to review after I filled out their online survey all about Charlotte! There were several questions asked such as favorite color, style, size, personality etc.
I absolutely love everything that they sent me! I could tell that all of the items were from High End Boutiques or Stores. Each items that we received is super cute! In fact Mac & Mia also sent some cute little items for the baby that I can’t wait to put on her!
“Every box is unique and hand selected. We put a lot of thought and care into not only the look of each piece but also how it’s made and the lives it touches it along the way. We work with you to select clothing and accessories that fit your needs” (Mac & Mia Website)
“Creating Mac & Mia developed from the notion that life’s too short not to stay present and connected to your world—and to always keep your childlike sense of discovery.
I experienced loss at a relatively young age. It was confusing and painful and hard, but it also totally transformed my thinking. I recognized very clearly what was important to me: family, friends, love, and a giving heart. I realized there’s a big beautiful world out there just waiting to be discovered, and I wanted to be a part of it. I wanted to be more thoughtful in how I spent my time on the planet.
For me, that meant feeling more connected to my surroundings. Hard to do sometimes, when you’re the mother of five kids and chaos prevails! But I needed to try. Like all parents, I’ve always wanted to make the world a better place for my children. I want them to grow up feeling grounded in the universe, appreciating the simple things in life.
So I guess you could say that my story inspired the story behind Mac & Mia: a way for parents and their kids to feel more connected to the clothing they choose. Each Mac & Mia item tells a unique tale about how it was made and by whom—and their kids to feel more connected to the clothing they choose. Each Mac & Mia item tells a unique tale about how it was made and by whom—and the lives it touches along the way. That energy carries through in every box we ship.
I hope you will join us by adding your own “story” of connection and discovery to the mix. There’s a lot of beauty to celebrate out there.