Many people who are a part of the Orange Lake holdings timeshare want to cancel their Timeshare, but don’t know how to do it. There are many reasons to cancel Orange Lake Timeshare, but the main one is, changing their week’s system to a points system. While there are people who know how to cancel their Orange Lake timeshare, there are people who are not much aware of what it is? Let’s have a glimpse of the Orange Lake Timeshare LLC, how it all started and where it has reached now?

What is a timeshare?
A timeshare is a bond in which you invest in a property and become a shareholder. You can enjoy a holiday at this property within a limited period. If you are joining an exchange scheme, you can get your money in return later on. You can also buy or sell your timeshare, according to your will. The timeshare industry has seen a downfall since the covid pandemic hit the world and many want to cancel or sell their timeshare in return for cash. Many people want to cancel Orange Lake Timeshare, but don’t know how to do it. However, the pandemic is not the main reason for canceling the Orange Lake Timeshare. It’s because they have changed their weeks-based system into a points-based system, and due to this, the Silver Leaf owners suffered a loss.
What is Orange Lake Holding, and who is its owner?
The Orange Lake Holdings LLP is a traveler accommodation industry located in Kissimmee FL, United States. There are 30 companies under the Orange Lake holdings corporate family with 1980+ employees. The corporate mainly consists of accommodation companies, food services, hotels, and motels under its umbrella. The Orange Lake resort is also home to a very popular Home Inn Vacation Brand. What made people change their minds and cancel Orange Lake Timeshare, let’s find out.
Kemmons Wilson started the company in 1952 with a property of 32 rooms, and within ten years, it grew to more than 600 units. The property was handed over from Kemmons Wilson to his son Spence Wilson in 1982 and Orange Lake resorts were born. The growth of the company continued and grew to more than 1450 acres. Wilson’s family continues to own and operate the company’s resorts secretly. In 2008, there was a joint venture between Intercontinental Hotel Continental Group PLC, also known as IHG, and Orange Lake Holdings that incepted the brand Holiday club Inn. Orange Lake also bought Silver Leaf resorts in 2015, which further extended the IHG’S resort network.
It was probably the biggest timeshare property in the world. However, in April 2019, Orange Lake Resorts chose the company’s equity partner from outside. The new equity partner was an affiliate of the KSL Capital Partners LLC. The KSL company is a leading investor in the travel and leisure industry and has made a significant minority investment in the Orange Lake Resort. However, the financial terms of the transaction were not revealed. Before this, the Wilson family has built and guided the company for the last 39 years, and now also the Wilson family secretly owns and operates Holiday Inn.
In 2006, Orange Lake’s timeshare changed from a weeks-based system to a points system. This merger left the Silverleaf timeshares useless. An upgrade was the only method to save ownership. The customers were afraid of losing money, so they wanted to cancel Orange Lake timeshare. The condition was quite predictive because a weeks-based system is much more user-friendly than a points-based system. According to the week-based system, you can have a week of vacation because you are the owner of one out of 52 units of time that Orange Lake could sell in your unit. On the other hand, the company can sell as much as it wants, of its made-up reservation currency and at any price. It’s a kind of bidding, and the Orange Resort would never have so much space to accommodate everyone to whom they’ve sold their points. It was like fooling people to get into debt for having luxury vacations that will never happen. Now the people timeshare holders are looking for ways to cancel Orange Lake timeshare.
It is very frustrating for the people who have been into this trap. They have been thinking and wondering, for what are they paying so much. If you are one of them, don’t worry, many firms are now working for such victims and helping them to cancel Orange Lake Timeshare. If you are hiring such firms to cancel your timeshare, check about the firm, whether it’s a law firm or a non-legal firm. Many non-law firms are operating that are equally helpful because they help you by hiring a lawyer if needed. If it can be done without a lawyer, it’s even better.
Come forward and save your hard-earned money!