There are many things I like about the Rhyme & Sort Rockets. I like how colorful they are. The rockets come in lots of different colors. I really like how sturdy the picture cards are that come with the set. Plus, they use real life pictures so they are more recognizable to kids. My students did have a hard time knowing what a couple of the pictures cards were. Sometimes I even had a hard time knowing what the picture was. A nice thing is that the instruction booklet tells you what all the pictures are. It was really nice to have that.
In my classroom, I put them out in a small group workshop center and I let the students sort the cards by if the words rhymed or not. The kids really had a lot of fun with them. Next time though, I think I am going to use them as a more teacher directed activity. I think it will be easier for them do. It was really fun for me to see how well they did on their own though.
Another thing that is great about the Rhyme & Sort Rockets is that you sort the pictures in lots of different ways. You can have the kids sort them but beginning sounds, ending sounds, and more.
I really liked the Rhyme & Sort Rockets and I am excited to use them for other learning activities with my students!
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