Charlotte and Leah both really love to play outside. So when Kinderfeets sent me the Balance Bike and Tiny Tots Bike to review I was really excited.
The Kinderfeets Balance Bike is perfeft for kids who are learning to ride or are just not confident enough to ride without training wheels. The Kinderfeets bike we received is perfect for Leah and Charlotte to share! Leah loves to ride scooters and so she hasn’t had much practice riding a bike but NOW she can teach and show Charlotte how easy it is with the Kinderfeets Balance Bike.
Leah really loved that she could add her name, picture or whatever she wanted in chalk on the side of the bike because it’s a chalkboard finish! The bike even came with some colored chalk! What else is awesome is that it fits ages 2-5 so it can grow with them since the bike seat can be adjusted!
“Our balance bikes are made from sustainable birch wood, from a replenishable source. The airless tires are completely biodegradable. We use minimal packaging material made from recycled paper and water based-ink. The chalkboard finish paint is water-based and the lacquer is non-toxic. And with Trees for the Future, Kinderfeets plants a tree for every bike we sell.” (Kinderfeets website)
Charlotte absolutely loves her new little tricycle which also converts to a balance bike! It fits ages 12-24 months and is perfect for a first time bike!
“The patented Kinderfeets Tiny Tot is a 2-in-1 bike that easily converts from a tricycle to a 2-wheel balance bike! Designed for “tiny tots” ages 12 to 24 months, Kinderfeets Tiny Tot starts off as a tricycle and when needed it easily converts into a 2-wheel balance bike. It’s the smallest 2-in-1 balance bike on the market!” (Kinderfeets website)
“Derived from the Dutch for “children” and “bicycle,” a Kinderfeets is a wooden push bike designed to ease the transition to pedal-powered bicycle at a toddler’s comfort level.
More than a toy, Kinderfeets is a father’s gift to his son. Disappointed with the push bikes available, Dutch designer Oscar Mulder decided to create his own balance bike for his son, Sebastiaan.
Oscar wanted Sebastiaan to be able to cruise once he became confident enough, so he broke the push bike mold and added footpegs. Knowing kids love to get dirty, he added a removable seat cover that can go in the wash with the rest of the laundry. Other push bikes have inflatable tires that go flat, interrupting the fun. But Kinderfeets’ tires don’t require air. Plus, Kinderfeets’ colorful chalkboard finish provides a reusable canvas for children to exercise their creativity. Older now, Sebastiaan rides a regular bike with ease and confidence – all thanks to the push bike his father designed with him in mind.” (Kinderfeets website)
We love our Kinderfeets Balance Bike and Tiny Tot 2 in 1 bike if you would like to purchase and learn more please visit Bragging Mommy readers gets $10 off for 4 weeks use code ‘braggingmommy’ at checkout!
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