A person’s teenage years is one of the challenging phases. This is when we start to ask questions about ourselves to ourselves consistently. The reason is that this age group is going to be in the mindset of trying to figure out who they are and whom they are going to be as they continue to expand their mental and physical capabilities. When teenagers are starting to question themselves as to what they want for their lives, it is essential that there is a program that will provide guidance in terms of self-awareness for teens.

These days, teens are practically living in such a busy world which prevents teens from processing all of the necessary information and skills that they need for them to be able to understand self-reflection. For them to become self-aware, this will mean that a teenager should be able to better acknowledge how their characters will benefit them, in a way of how their values define them, and the manner that their beliefs can influence their goals. So when a teen tends to become more independent, it is crucial that they become safe-aware for them to plan their future, to figure out what their emotions mean, and as to how they can make good decisions.
Self-awareness for teens is a crucial stage, the parents and the schools are ready to guide them towards this journey:
- Start helping your teen to express her feelings
It is important that you provide your teenager with ways so that they are going to be comfortable in expressing their feelings and also ponder about their experience. One of the options that you can use is to encourage them to write frequently. You can make them start to write a journal, either on their computer or in a password-protected blog. You should also respect your child that you do not read their writing if they do not want you to. So, as your teenager transitions to a young adult, there is a tendency that they become less likely to share all their thoughts and feelings with you. So it is important that you give them an outlet for them to write their emotions which will allow them time for self-reflection and to further develop self-awareness for teens.
According to Journali, keeping a journal is a good form of self-reflection because as mentioned, this is essentially beneficial for teenagers. By making them write their own thoughts, this will be able to help you in exploring what is going on in their minds – from how they think, how they feel, what inspires them, or what frightens them. Though writing, this will provide them with a sense of clarity most especially for the confusing and complex feelings that you, as a parent, might not be able to understand.
For teenagers who are emotionally loaded or conflicted, as they grow, writing a journal can become a useful tool because this will help in providing them with a safe space for them to express their feelings and thereby creating a greater chance that their creative solutions will emerge in the form of new decisions and actions.
It is also good if you also had a diary when you were still young because you can share it to encourage your teen to start his or her own.
- Promote self-awareness for teens by becoming a role-model of self-awareness
During family dinners, or commutes, or just any time whenever you can, you can start to talk with your teen and to let them know how you are feeling and why. One good example is when you may say that you are getting a little bit anxious for the holidays already and that despite your excitement because you are nervous about taking time away from work and also having, even more, to do when you get back. Through this, you are now creating an opportunity to discuss your feelings, and also letting your teenage see your emotions and that you are comfortable talking about feelings. This atmosphere is going to provide your teenager with a safe place for them to talk with you about what they are feeling too. It is also crucial that you become a real role model to your teen with it comes to self-awareness. One example is when it comes to your teen’s self-esteem, you should also model it yourself. So, when you are showing positive self-esteem in front of your children, then chances are, they will also learn to display the same behavior. You can show your children that you are confident in the things that you can do by saying that you are always up for a new challenge instead of making them see you that you are not sure that you cannot do something just because you have never done it. When it comes to trying new things, you should be able to do it with enthusiasm, and also point that even though you are not perfect, you are still feeling good about a lot of things. This will eventually help in providing self-awareness for teens in a more stress-free way.
- Encourage self-awareness for teens by starting to talk with them about future plans
It is also good that you start to discuss potential career or personal or higher-education goals with your teen. You start by asking them questions like which class is their favorite right now, or are they open to explore careers where they can use what they have learned in class every day, or what their strengths are, or by just helping your teen to identify their strengths and their challenges in an open discussion and also get them thinking about ways to them to further develop those skills into adulthood. You can also ask them questions about personal goals like whom do they look up to and what made that person admirable. It is also good that they have a mentor at school who is also kind and thoughtful and this is because your teen is not just dealing with their educational and professional future, but it also because they are also learning about themselves. You can also try to ask as to what their favorite book that they have read in class recently wherein you may find that you both liked the same English book class, and this will then further provide you with an opportunity to strengthen the connection with your teen.
- It is also recommended that you talk about labels with your teen
An education consultant recommends talking about labels and stereotypes that go along with them. So you can try to reach out by learning if their peers call your teen a jock or a geek, or if there are other teens who are using those terms to your teen. You can try to give examples of how labels can be limiting and as to how someone that your child might think who is a “nerd” can be someone who is so much more than that. Furthermore, you should be aware of your language when you are talking about your teen with friends and family, thus, it is important that you try not to use labels when you are talking about them, because it can be harmful or hurtful to teenagers who are in the process of trying to build their own identities.
Through the development of full awareness, promotion of non-judgmental observance, acceptance of inner thoughts and feelings, and helping release and overcome emotional pain, these things are what’s being encompassed in mindfulness practices.
Mindfulness practices have proven clinical effects on stress reduction, enhancement of self-awareness for teens, inner balance and also general well-being. A variety of mindfulness techniques have also been developing to be able to provide proper applications in daily life and school programs.
- You can teach your teens to focus on their values
You can start by asking your teen to make a list of values that they think are important to her. Some of these values are things like being a good friend, focusing on her spirituality or focusing on her academic performance. You can talk to your teenager about letting them focus on those values each day, by practicing them as often as possible. This will also help develop self-awareness for teens and live virtuously without also falling by the wayside.
- Inculcate emotional learning
The method of understanding why we feel a certain kind of way and know how to handle these emotions is important in the success and happiness in every aspect of our lives. This is referred to as emotional awareness.
Emotional literacy is when one teaches whom to manage their emotions, develop empathy for other people, reparation of emotional damage when we have done something wrong and also succeed in the interaction with others effectively.
Emotional awareness is important in a way that it has brought emotional learning programs into schools with the hope that your children will also have the opportunity to develop this competency.
Research has revealed that a high score of self-awareness for teens is an important predictor of his or her overall success. Psychologists point out that self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence and that the mastery of emotional self-aware is the key attribute of successful leaders.