Metal detecting is a great hobby for kids.
Kids are natural explorers, and they love to dig in the dirt. Metal detectors are perfect tools for finding buried treasure!
The thrill of finding something you’ve never seen before, the feeling of digging in the earth, and the satisfaction of discovering something new are all reasons why metal detecting can be a worthwhile activity for children.

There are even metal detecting kits that come with everything needed to get started – a detector, headphones so you don’t bother others while hunting on their property, and an instructional DVD on how to use your detector properly.
1. What is metal detecting and how does it work?
Metal detectors work a bit differently from model to model. Typically, there is a coil of wire which goes around the head of the device.
When metal comes close to this coil it creates a magnetic field, and that magnetic field disturbs the electrons in the coil. This sends an electronic signal down the attached wires into the control box of the device.
2. Why do kids like to metal detect?
Kids love to metal detect because it is fun!
Buried treasure, like coins, can be found using this method. It’s important that you know the laws in your area before getting started with metal detecting.
Typically you are allowed to hunt for buried treasure on private property as long as the landowner has no objection.
3. Where can you go with your child to find treasure?
There are many places to go metal detecting with your child.
A place that is nearby with not too much travel time would be a local park or perhaps someone’s backyard. A less obvious choice would be an old churchyard. Kids might find it exciting to uncover some of the history behind this site!
4. How do I get started in this fun hobby with my kid?
Getting started in this fun hobby is easy with the right equipment.
Metal detectors come in all shapes and sizes, so you will need to decide what’s best for your child.
Some basic features that can be found on a metal detector are whether it has preset modes or not, how the controls work, and if there is a headphone jack to plug your headphones into.
Before buying one, be sure to read online reviews of different detectors so you can find out which ones are easiest for children to use.
Your next step is to go to a local department store or home improvement store. Almost all stores that carry appliances will have metal detectors on display, so you can pick one out there!
Once you know what kind of metal detector to buy, you can go online and order one that works well for your child. Most metal detectors even come with a DVD that shows how to use it!
5. Where can I learn more about this fun hobby?
If you are interested in learning more about metal detecting as a fun hobby for kids, there are several great resources available.
You can start by going to a local home improvement store and looking at the different models of detectors they have on display. Talk with a salesperson working in the appliances department and ask them for some more information.
Another source you could use is the Internet. Websites like Metal Pursuits offer great information about detecting for kids, as well as metal detectors that can be purchased online.
6. The importance of safety when metal detecting with your kids
The importance of safety when metal detecting with your kids: Be sure you and your child read and follow any safety recommendations that came with the detector.
Some metal detectors even come with a child-sized harness to wear as an added safety precaution. If you are looking for somewhere to go metal detecting, be sure it’s a safe, open space where your child will not be endangered by equipment or other metal detecting enthusiasts.
Parents should always be supervising their children when they are out metal detecting with them.
If younger kids are being supervised, it is vital that they have a parent or guardian nearby to help if the need arises.
Children who are left alone while metal detecting can run into problems, especially when they get lost.
It is also important to check on your child regularly while she is out metal detecting with you, to make sure that she has enough water and snacks, or that she isn’t feeling ill from the heat.
7. Advantages/Disadvantages of having children learn about metal detection
Let’s take a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages to having kids learn metal detecting:
- Kids can have tons of fun exploring – there’s nothing like finding buried treasure!
- Metal detectors are great tools for bored children looking to explore new interests.
- There is a huge variety of finds available, to metal detectorists; anything from old coins, tools, buttons, and more.
- Metal detecting is a safe hobby for kids. If they’re too young to be left alone in the front yard, they probably shouldn’t be out there on their own!
- When children learn about mini archeological digs through metal detecting, they will be developing valuable skills like patience, diligence, and perseverance.
- Some children may even be interested in archeology or paleontology when they grow up!
- If not supervised properly, kids can get into trouble; searching through trash cans for treasure (and contaminating it), digging up people’s gardens without permission, and more.
- Not every child will want to spend hours out in the dirt looking for treasure. This isn’t a disadvantage in itself, but it helps parents know what their children are interested in!
As you can see, metal detecting is a hobby that has many advantages and disadvantages. Every child is different, so their interests will be different as well.
As you can see, metal detecting is a great hobby to share with your children.
It’s also an activity that can teach your child about history and science while fostering their love for exploring the world around them.
The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the time spent with your child. If you’re looking for a new hobby or just want an excuse to spend more quality time together, metal detecting may be right up your alley.
I hope that this article has been helpful in showing you how easy it can be to get started as well as some of the benefits from doing so!
Remember, safety first when exploring this amazing hobby with your family!