Kiddie Kangaroo Child Seat Protector With Adjustable Pockets Review
There is nothing worse than a crying baby, child or toddler in the back seat while you are driving. It’s not like I’m super Mom and have 3 arms ( 2 to drive and one to keep kids entertained), I can’t always turn around and see what the problem is. I really wish I would have known about the Kiddie Kangaroo child storage accessory before we took our trip to Disneyland and our trip to Arizona (both 12 hour drives with a 2 yr old!) I had such a hard time sitting in the front with my husband and keeping Leah happy in the back.
The Kiddie Kangaroo is such a great storage item that keeps toys, bottles, sippy cups, snacks, books etc. It’s such a great way to keep kids occupied while Mom or Dad is driving. It fits easily onto the stroller or car seat and can be washed with ease! I love that it has dividers to keep things separate and so they are easy to grab.
“Kiddie Kangaroo’s™ Universal Seat Protector with Adjustable Pockets Accessory provides easy to reach storage pockets next to the child when traveling in the child’s car seat, stroller, jogging stroller, booster seat, and infant carrier while protecting their seat from spills and accidents. The waterproof material fits along the seat and up the back to help keep their seat clean. The pockets on each side have velcro stips to be placed where needed for best fit and offer a velcro divider that can divide the pockets for specialized storage or folded flat to allow for larger items such as books and toys. Pockets too are washable or just wipe clean and are easy to add and remove.” (Kiddie Kangaroo website)
Leah is so much happier when she can do things herself! We are planning on taking a trip to Dallas in March and we will for sure be bringing this along on the airplane so she can have everything she needs within reach.
Kiddie Kangaroo also comes in several different styles and colors! The Kiddie Kangaroo can be purchased at and right now they are offering The Bragging Mommy readers a discount of 20% off at their site., use code KK20 (expires April 30th, 2011) at checkout.
So purchase yours now and make trips in the car more enjoyable for everyone!
The Kiddie Kangaroo Child Seat Protector with Adjustable Pockets gets Bragging Rights!
About Briann
I am a stay at home mom of three adorable girls who keep me busy and on my toes! I love blogging and trying out new products. I also enjoy reading, shopping, playing games of any sort and hanging out with family and friends! I love everything about Summer and wish it was warm all year long. I am a huge fan of food and love to eat, especially Mexican food and salty yummy things!