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Because of school holidays, your kids won’t be attending school for weeks. This means that they’ll have the chance to breathe from the stress school can sometimes cause. They’ll have time for themselves which they can either spend with their friends or siblings. But instead of letting your kids spend time at home doing nothing, you want to bond and have fun with them. This is probably one of the times of the year where you can spend time with them without worrying about waking up early the next morning or staying up too late. To give you an idea on how you can have fun with your kids this next school holidays, take note of these activities:
1. Go camping in the backyard: If you already have a tent, this activity won’t cost you anything! All you have to do is prepare the tent in your backyard, cook some BBQs, hot dogs, and for sure, everyone will have a fun night. You can also have the option to spend the night telling horror stories with the kids or just play board games inside the tent. You just have to make sure that the tent is placed near the house so the kids will have access in case they want to use the loo.
3. Plant a veggie patch with kids: No, this doesn’t require a spacious lot. The fun from this activity actually comes from finding containers which you and your kids can use for the plants. This is also a very good avenue for kids to express themselves creatively – you can paint pots and other plastic containers for this one! For the plants, use those which grow fast, by the time school starts they’ll be able to assess how their plants are doing.
4. Take public transport and go on adventures: Using public transportation might be stressful for adults like you but it’ll never have the same effect on kids. In fact, kids might see public transport as a fun experience since they get to see new sights and even meet new people. Make sure that you use public transport during school holidays to go on an adventure with your kids. This will allow you to have more fun with your kids since you’re not driving!
5. Take a day at the beach: The beach will always be a kid’s paradise. When the weather permits, take your kids to the beach and bring your favorite snacks with you. Let them play around with the water and sand!
In Conclusion When you’re a parent, you would want to spend time with your children as much as possible. You want to be there for them all the time because you might not notice how quickly they grow up – and having fun with them during school holidays is one of the best ways to do it. But once you or your kids are sick, none of these activities can be done. You’ll end up staying at home throughout the entire school holidays. As one way of preparing for situations like these, acquire family health insurance for everyone. This can help in a lot of ways during emergencies.
Jessica Wilson