Keeping your unborn baby safe is a mother’s priority. Especially if it is your first time, you would want to avoid any complications while the unborn baby is still growing in your womb. Many suffer from mild to severe complications, such as starving your baby of oxygen or problems with the placenta; click here to find out more about this.

When considering ways to ensure the safety of your baby, there are a few things you can do while still pregnant to ensure you have a healthy baby. We look at some of them below.
A First Consultation
As soon as you know you are pregnant, the best way forward is to visit your doctor or midwife, and if you haven’t done so yet, get yourself registered with antenatal care. According to the BabyCentre website, once you have registered with a local GP you can ask them for professional advice regarding how to do things right, from the start.
Eating Properly
Another very important thing is to make sure you eat well. All expectant mums should ideally be having at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day while they are expecting. Anything from frozen to fresh and canned fruits and vegetables is included.
You can also indulge in starchy foods such as rice, pasta, potatoes and healthy bread. The whole grain varieties should be your go-to. The best way to eat potatoes is with the skin still on them as it will provide you with fibre as well.
Taking supplements is also a good idea. one of the main supplements to take daily is folic acid. This should be taken during your pregnancy, as well as after. It helps to form the “neural tube” and can prevent some of the many birth defects babies can suffer from related to their spine and brain. Women need at least 400 mcg of folic acid per day.
Other supplements to take include Vitamin D, fish oil, and multivitamins specifically made for pregnant women.
Don’t Forget Food Hygiene
Something most mums don’t think about is to be aware of food hygiene aspects. Simple things such as washing your hands thoroughly before handling any food, pets or animals, is essential. The utensils you use should also be carefully washed including chopping boards.
Storing food is also an important consideration, not just when you are expecting but otherwise too – keep raw foods stored separately from cooked and ready-to-eat foods.
Foods left opened and exposed to air and germs can harbour parasites and bacteria harmful to your and your baby’s health. One such infection caused by bacteria is known as “Listeriosis” and can have dire consequences.
There is also the risk of Salmonella poisoning with raw uncooked meats and shellfish, as well as eggs. Make sure you cook meats and other types of foods thoroughly and wash your fruits and vegetables under running water, before consuming them. The best way to handle foods is by using gloves and then disposing of them off safely.
Other Suggestions
There are various other suggestions such as getting daily exercise, and anything from a brisk walk to Pilates and yoga can help keep you healthy.