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Being a parent at home is exhausting enough. But when you’re traveling with your little one, it can be downright impossible to cope with your little ones’ outbursts. Are you tired of sitting through long car rides and flights not knowing how to calm your child’s travel tantrum? In this article, we’re going to give you some anti-tantrum tips that might just save your sanity on your next family trip:

1. Consider their routine
As a parent, you know your child best. You know their everyday routine; what time they should eat, what time they should nap, and everything in between. traveling, especially for the first time, can be stressful for your kids, too, so don’t force them to eat or sleep when they don’t want to (unless they absolutely have to). If possible, stick to their regular schedule at home while traveling to avoid a hungry and sleepy toddler from unleashing a tantrum.
2. Bring a complete diaper bag
Children throw tantrums when they are 1) hungry, 2) tired, 3) bored, or 4) hyperactive. With these four tantrum causes in mind, you should be prepared with a complete arsenal during every trip.
Be prepared with snacks and drinks to give your kid when they get peckish, but make sure to avoid giving them too much sugar lest you want to add ‘sugar crash’ to your list of tantrum causes. Don’t forget to bring small toys and activity books to keep them occupied during your trip, too.
3. Plan strategic napping
As stated in the previous tip, children show their frustration when they are overtired or hyperactive. If you’re traveling via air, avoid giving your kids high-sugar snacks or letting them nap before the flight. Make sure you burn off their energy as well by letting them run around the airport of play in the play area before boarding.
4. Distract them
When your child starts throwing a tantrum, do something that they wouldn’t expect instead of getting angry at them or trying to console them. If they start fussing and you start doing something unexpected like dancing or doing jumping jacks, the child will divert their attention to you and what you’re doing. Ask if they want to join in. They will be confused, but chances are, they’ll stop crying and imitate you.
However, distraction doesn’t always cure a temper tantrum, so be mindful when applying this strategy. Don’t use it too often–kids will notice if you’re just doing things to distract them if you do it all the time.
5. Take them outside
Every parent knows the horror of their kids throwing tantrums in public spaces. If you’re a parent to a toddler, then you would know the embarrassment that comes with your child screaming their heads off in the middle of the restaurant and strangers staring at you, judging you for not keeping your toddler in check.
Do yourself and everyone around you a favor by removing your child from a public space if they get too fussy. Not only is this the socially polite thing to do, but it’s also a good exercise for you and your child. Take them to a quiet place and hold them close while waiting for them to calm down. Encourage your child to say what is wrong, but don’t be pushy about it. Eventually, your child will calm down and tell you why they’re upset, and you can work towards fixing the problem without making the tantrum worse.
6. Stay away from sugary foods
Sugar makes children hyperactive. And when they get too much sugar in their system, they are likely to throw a temper tantrum when they don’t get to burn it off before the inevitable crash. Avoid feeding your child foods that are high in sugar, especially while traveling. Easier said than done, but putting more effort into giving your kids a healthy diet will also protect their health while staving off temper tantrums.
7. Don’t reward the tantrum
Some parents may find it easier to just give their child what they want in order to stop the screaming, fussing, and crying. This may be a band-aid solution to your tantrum problem, but you’re setting yourself up with more bad behavior in the long run.
When your child starts throwing a tantrum, don’t distract them with a ‘reward.’ Instead, use other methods to show your kid that making a scene won’t get them what they want. And on the other hand, make sure to praise them if they’re well-behaved, especially in public spaces. Classical conditioning. If you keep it up, your kids will be more fun and less stressful to bring on trips.
8. Soothe them with music
Children respond well to soothing music. Thus, while you’re on a trip or staying in a different place, make sure you have lullabies downloaded on your devices to make bedtime a breeze. If your child listens to a particular track at home, play that track so they will feel that they’re in their own beds instead of in a hotel or a relative’s house. Don’t forget to keep a DVD in the car just in case you don’t have songs downloaded or Internet access at your destination.
Temper tantrums are the worst, most especially if they happen when traveling. To keep your tots from melting down in public, trying employing these parenting hacks on your next trip. You and everyone else around you will surely benefit from it.