“Based on the character created by bestselling author Tom Clancy, “Jack Ryan” is a global action thriller set in the present day. This original story follow a young Jack (Chris Pine) as he uncovers a financial terrorist plot. The story follows him from 9/11, through his tour of duty in Afghanistan, which scarred him forever, and into his early days in the Financial Intelligence Unit of the modern CIA where he becomes an analyst, under the guardianship of his handler, Harper (Kevin Costner). When Ryan believes he’s uncovered a Russian plot to collapse the United States economy, he goes from being an analyst to becoming a spy and must fight to save his own life andthose of countless others, while also trying to protect the thing that’s more important to him than anything, his relationship with his fiancée Cathy (Keira Knightley).” (c) Paramount
I have been very excited to see Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. I am a fan of all the other Jack Ryan movies that have been done.
This was a very good movie. It was a great reboot for the Jack Ryan film series. My husband and I really enjoyed it a lot. If you are fan of the Jack Ryan novels by Tom Clancy, know that this movie is inspired by the characters. It is not based on any of the books. It is a new story.
This movie has excellent action and it is a fast paced story. This movie is only an hour and 45 minutes long. That is a great length. The story gets to the point and the storyline does not drag.
The cast is great in the movie. Chris Pine is definitely turning into a great action hero. He has a lot of impressive action scenes in this film. I also really like Kenneth Branagh as the villain. He had double duty doing this film because he was also the director. One thing that really surprised as was how great their voices dialects were. Keira Knightley does not use her normal British accent in this movie. It was weird to hear her with an American accent but she did a great job. Kenneth Branagh also did well with this Russian accent.
There are some pretty intense moments and some language in this film. It is not appropriate for younger kids.
I loved Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit and would love to watch it again!