You may be surprised to hear this, but your electricity bill doesn’t have to be as high. There are many things you can do to bring that bill down! Read on for ways to save on your electricity bill. We’ve got you covered, from turning off electronics when you’re not using them to making your home more energy-efficient. And if that’s not enough, don’t forget about solar and battery storage systems! They can help reduce your reliance on the grid and lower your electricity bills in no time, notes Drew Doheny Property Management Team.
High electricity bills: what are the causes?
We all know the feeling of getting our electricity bill and seeing that it’s much higher than we expected. But what causes this? And more importantly, how can we lower our bills?
There are a few reasons why your electricity bill might be high:
- You’re using outdated appliances.
- Your home is not well insulated.
- You have a lot of devices.
- You’re using too much air conditioning.
These are just a few of the most common reasons your electricity bill might be high.
How can you lower your electricity bill?
- Install energy-efficient lighting: One of the easiest and most effective ways to lower your electric bill is to switch to energy-efficient lighting. LED bulbs use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs, lasting up to 25 times longer. That means you’ll not only save money on your electric bill, but you’ll also save money on replacement bulbs.
- Upgrade your appliances: If your devices are more than a few years old, they may use much more electricity than newer, energy-efficient models.
- Use a programmable thermostat: A programmable thermostat can save you money by automatically adjusting the temperature in your home when you’re not there. In the winter, you can set it to lower the temperature when you’re away at work or on vacation, and in the summer, you can do the same to keep your home cooler when no one is there.
- Seal your windows and doors: drafts can let cool air out in the summer and warm air out in the winter, driving up your energy costs. Use weatherstripping or caulk to seal any gaps around windows and doors, and make sure your home is well insulated.
- Wash your clothes in cold water: About 90% of the energy used to wash clothes comes from heating the water. So, switch your laundry settings to cold if you’re flying something that’s dirty and needs to be washed in hot water. You’ll save energy, and your clothes will last longer too.
- Line dry your clothes: If you have the space, line drying your clothes is a great way to save energy (and money). It’s also better for your clothes since they won’t be subjected to the harsh heat of a dryer.
- Unplug electronics when not using them: Many electronics, like TVs and computers, use electricity even when turned off. So, be sure to unplug them when you’re not using them to save money on your electric bill.
- Use a power strip: A power strip is a great way to save energy because it allows you to quickly turn off multiple electronics with the flip of a switch. That way, you won’t have to waste time unplugging each item.
- Invest in solar inverters: Solar power is a great way to reduce your reliance on the grid and save you money on your electric bill. If you live in an area with sunny weather, solar panels can provide most or all of the electricity your home needs. And, with solar battery storage, you can even use solar power at night or during a power outage.
In conclusion, there are many ways to lower your electricity bill. Some of these methods may require an initial investment, but they will save you money in the long run. So, if your electricity bill is too high, take action and start saving today.