The post is contributed by Tanya.
No parents like to see their son smoking and devastating his health, and ultimately life, with his own hands and before their very eyes. They try to do their best to solve this issue the soonest.
Unfortunately, if your family has also hit the same hard-luck, here is the solution for you to follow it immediately.

- Try to find the root cause
Through your deep observation and healthy discussions with your son and the other members of your family, try to identify the root cause. Go back and track it down to the days when he started doing so. Analyse the specific circumstances and overall scenario of that time, and the tension associated with them. Most of the addicts started smoking out of some anxiety and depression which they find themselves unable to discuss with their parents or elders. Once found, try to treat the root cause very wisely and patiently. Remember,
“If you rid the cause, you almost rid the problem”.
- Do thorough counselling
With the most developed central nervous system (CNS), man is a slave of his own logics. Unless convinced, he cannot bring himself to try to do the things required of him. So, a thorough counselling on your part will make a huge difference. You must:
- Try to convince him of the social and family norms and also the set back he may hit in his academic career due to smoking.
- Elaborate the health hazards related to this lethal habit. Point it out insistently that he may become a victim of cancer or hepatitis if he does not shrink back.
- Take him into confidence as a friend and guide him how to get rid of this fatal habit. You may even get closer to him by presenting some beautiful gift hamper from pearsons gifting or somewhere else.
- Advise him to share everything with you confidently as well as confidentially.
If you succeed in winning his trust, you are sure to achieve your target.
- Keep a watchful eye on his company and activities
Once you get aware of your son’s bad habit, remain vigilant about him onward. Pursue which company of friends he often keeps and what activities he is involved in with them. If you find he is subjected to some bad people or obnoxious doings, take immediate measures to save him from their bad influence. If you find nothing wrong with all this, let him keep doing all normally. Besides, you may also discuss things with his friends and ask for their kind help in this regard.
If you get the support of his dear friends, you are likely to bring him back.
- Hire the services of a psychiatrist or some rehabilitation centre
If you find yourself failing to handle the issue alone, hire the services of a professional psychiatrist who will trace out of him the real thing and try to change his mind set psychologically. He will also guide him how to cope with the stress he is passing through.
Likewise, a lot of rehabilitation centres are also working in our cities. You may also keep him admitted there for a few days in order to get him fully recovered. They deal all this in a highly professional way and give almost 100% results.
If taken seriously, a smoker son may be normalised within weeks.