A mommy makeover is a mixture of aesthetic procedures that restores your pre-pregnancy appearance, with the breasts and belly area being the most commonly targeted areas. A usual makeover consists of a breast implant, breast lift, tummy tuck, and liposuction procedure. These procedures are typically done on the upper arms, upper legs, or trunk area. Even though the name, “mommy makeover” is new, the surgeries involved have a lengthy, effective, and safe track history.

When Should You Consider a Mommy Makeover?
The following are reasons why you should get a mommy makeover:
-If healthy eating and physical activity have not enhanced your waistline, belly area, arms, or thighs
-If you are bothered by your drooping belly and stretch marks
-If childbirth has changed the contour and size of your breasts
Pros and Cons to Consider Before Getting a Mommy Makeover
Here are some benefits and drawbacks to consider before getting a mommy makeover:
-Assists you in regaining a leaner body appearance
-Swimwear and other garments will look more appealing on you
-Restores younger-looking breasts and flat belly
-Revives your sense of self-confidence
-Weight gain after these procedures may jeopardize the results.
-Childbirth after these procedures may impede the outcome.
-If you receive breast implants, they are not meant to be permanent.
Do You Think You Are a Suitable Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?
A mommy makeover surgery can counteract the physical effects that occur as a result of childbearing and growing older. Consider getting a mommy makeover if you have any of the following characteristics as a result of childbirth:
-You have fat deposits from a C-section on your surgical scar.
-You have extra fat in your hip and thigh area.
-You have premature signs of aging around the neck, eye, and facial area.
-Your belly has stretch marks and saggy skin, and your waist area is very thick.
-Your boobs have gotten so huge as a result of pregnancy that they are disproportionate and causing you back pain.
-You have saggy and disproportionate breasts.
-Your breasts have decreased in size.
-Your nipples are drooping.
-Your areolas have stretched.
There is a chance that you are a good candidate for a mommy makeover, if your health is excellent and you have a positive outlook, and reasonable expectations.
How Will My Scars and Incisions Appear?
Every step is taken to keep them as tiny and unobtrusive as possible. After all, plastic surgeons are skilled at concealing them.
-The cut for a tummy tuck runs from hip to hip, right on top of the pubic region. This will result in a scar that runs across the inner corner of the bikini line. It varies in size and exposure.
-Liposuction scars are tiny as well because the cuts are very minute. Your cosmetic surgeon will make every effort to conceal them.
-Each type of breast lift procedure has a unique scarring sequence. Some surgical lines can be hidden by natural breast curves, whereas others are noticeable on the surface of the breasts. Even though surgical lines are irreversible, they usually dissipate and eventually improve significantly.
-There are 4 unique surgical patterns for breast reduction. Yours will be determined by your breast size, the amount of sagging in your breasts, and the location of your nipple-areola intricate.
-The incision site for a breast augmentation can be chosen from one of four locations: close to the underarms, in the umbilical region, the areola’s bottom edge, beneath the breast
Will The Results Be Permanent?
Your results should be irreversible, not unless you become pregnant again or gain weight significantly. However, cosmetic surgery can’t halt the aging process. Breast implants, on the other hand, are not irreversible and will need to be replaced at some point.