You may have heard of SAD, its Seasonal Affective Disorder. It’s a disorder that is estimated to affect half the population. SAD is a form of depression and most often occurs over the winter months. This disorder saps your engine, makes you feel depressed, and you’ll lose interest in the things you love doing. It’s particularly common in winter as the weather is cold and it’s hard to do the things you love. Like many things, now it’s easier than ever to buy houseplants online.

The good news is that indoor plants can help with this! When you have indoor plants you are bringing the outside inside. You’re in charge of their temperature, you can feed them and water them, and you can even give them additional sunlight when required. This means any plant can flourish inside your home and you’ll instantly feel better about life.
After all, it’s hard not to notice a bright and cheerful flower in your room! Of course, there are hundreds of varieties of house plants that you can have at home. It doesn’t need to be flowers, there are some stunning grasses or even bonsai trees to consider!
Plants make you feel better because they remind you of the summer months and they look great. But, there are several reasons they boost your mood.
Air Purifiers
Research suggests that plants can remove nearly 90% of the toxins in the air. You won’t be aware of the toxins or their removal, but your body will thank you for it.
Basic level toxins are the ones that cause allergies. However, plants also remove volatile organic compounds from the air, some of these have been linked to an increased risk of cancer.
Of course, plants also take in carbon dioxide and put out oxygen, the opposite of what humans do. That makes the relationship between you and your indoor plants harmonious as well as beneficial. It will increase the oxygen level in your room.
Humidity Levels
Plants absorb moisture from the air, reducing the amount in your room. This makes the air drier and better for you. But, it also reduces the likelihood of mold appearing in the corners of your room. This is a common winter issue due to lack of ventilation; it’s too cold to open windows!
You may not realize it but mold can have a serious impact on your health.
Not all indoor plants have flowers but the color of the leaves will brighten your mood. Your brain is already attuned to colors. You’ll know from choosing the right paint for a room that you prefer certain colors and that darker ones are warming. As plant leaves tend to be dark green and their flowers are often darker colors, you’ll find that the plant simply makes you feel warmer and happier.
Final Thoughts
It’s hard to define every way in which indoor plants will lift your spirits. In many cases the effects are indirectly linked, making them effective but not obvious. However, the real proof is in purchasing a few indoor plants and noting how much better you feel about life. It’s that simple.