Periods are counted from the first day of a period to the first day of your next. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but this can vary between people and month to month. If periods come to every x amount of days and then suddenly one is longer than usual, then that’s still considered regular. Your periods are considered irregular if the time between periods keeps changing and your periods come earlier or later. It’s important to first of all track your cycles with Ginger-U to get a good understanding of the timing. There are multiple reasons why you may experience menstrual irregularity. One of the most common causes is excessively heavy, irregular, or prolonged periods, called menorrhagia. Heavy bleeding or a period that lasts longer than 7 days is often a sign of endometriosis, which can lead to fertility problems and other complications. Allow us to offer you some science-backed remedies for irregular periods.

Get checked
The most important thing to do is to visit your gynecologist if you feel that you have a problem with your menstrual cycle. They will help you in ruling out a number of medical possibilities. Certain conditions such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and even the use of an IUD can lead to problems in your cycle.
Causes of menorrhagia
Did you know that even an excess of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone can result in a hormonal imbalance? This is one of the major causes of irregular or heavy periods. It is important to maintain certain homeostasis with your hormones. Your doctor might ask you to get a test done. You can quite easily find a low priced hormone test for you to strike out this cause. Once you have ruled it out, you can move on to other causes such as stress and even anxiety.
Yoga has been shown to reduce menstrual pain and many other symptoms for women, like depression, anxiety and more. It also improves quality of life and might help prevent some serious medical problems.
Primary dysmenorrhea is a condition that causes pain in extreme periods. It happens to around 16% to 91% of people and can be extremely painful.
When you first become interested in yoga, there are several options to help you learn. When looking online, search for videos that target beginners or level 1 yoga. You will find a variety of different styles with practice routines unique to your personal needs. Learning yoga from YouTube can be easy. When you’re ready to take your practice up a notch, look for licensed teachers on the site. They’ll give you a more personal experience and walk you through a series of moves step-by-step.
Maintain a healthy weight
If you’ve lost weight and are in a larger body, you might notice there’s a change in your menstrual cycle.
Beware of extreme weight loss or being underweight: it can lead to irregular periods. It’s important to maintain a moderate weight.
There are many risks associated with menstruation, whether you’re a woman who is menstruating or not. It’s more likely for women with obesity to suffer from irregular periods and have heavier bleeding and pain since their fat cells affect hormone levels & insulin. If you want to lose weight and have the best possible care, talk with your doctor! They might be able to help identify a target goal when it comes to weight and share suggestions on how you can achieve it.
Exercise regularly
There are a lot of health benefits to bodily exercise, especially when it comes to your periods. You can reach or maintain moderate weight, and it has often been recommended as part of a treatment plan for the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). PCOS can cause menstrual irregularity on a severe level.
A clinical trial in 2021 showed that exercise can effectively reduce the intensity and duration of pain associated with the menstrual cycle.
Use ginger
Ginger’s popularity in women’s wellness isn’t without valid points. There is evidence that demonstrates ginger may be effective in treating certain menstrual-related pain. Ginger should not be taken as a treatment for menstruation disorders; however, it has other benefits such as symptom relief and an anti-inflammatory effect.
What the clinical study found was that ginger supplements may help reduce the extreme amount of blood loss from uterine & vaginal bleeding during menstruation. The study shows ginger supplements may be successful when taken daily as it takes time for them to work.
Taking ginger during your period has been shown to be effective in relieving cramps. For best results, take it for the first 3 -4 days of your period.
It is important to treat your irregular periods as soon as possible so that they do not harm your health. Use these natural remedies in order to help you get your cycle back on track.