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By Anita Edwards, Blog Editor at Spekless in Washington, D.C.
Being cooped up for the winter is no fun. Even the healthiest of us are likely to catch a cold. For those of us who suffer from allergies or asthma, winter can be an even more painful time of year. Thankfully, there are some steps you can take to improve your home’s air quality.

Change Your Furnace Filters
Furnace filters are one of those things that are easy to forget about until something goes wrong. They’re tucked away in the basement, out of sight, out of mind, collecting dust and dust mites. Don’t forget about your furnace filters. Change them or clean them every fall before the furnace starts to kick in every day. Better yet, change them in spring, and save a bundle on your replacement filters.
Keep Your Plants Outdoors
House plants can make even the dullest room more cheerful by bringing a little bit of nature into the house. Unfortunately, they also bring pollen, which can be a nightmare for people who are allergic. If you have allergies, consider keeping your houseplants outdoors. There are plenty of species that thrive in Washington, DC’s climate, and will have no trouble sitting outside for the winter.
Clean Your Floors and Bedding Regularly
Floors are an obvious place for dust to collect, and most people clean them regularly. Still, it’s good to do a deep clean now and then. Move your couch and shelves and vacuum in those areas. You’ll be surprised what you find. Bedding, on the other hand, is an often-overlooked culprit. Dust mites not only live in your bedding, they multiply. You can slow this down by changing your sheets regularly, and buying new pillows at least once a year.
Open Those Windows
Not every day is a good day for opening the windows. We get that. But there are also occasional 50 or 60 degree days in the middle of winter. Take advantage of those days, and open your windows. Even if you’re a little chilly for a few hours, the fresh air can be invigorating. Not only that, it can clear out any contaminants that may be building up inside your home.
Buy an Air Purifier
HEPA air purifier filters are inexpensive, and can make a huge difference removing all kinds of particles from your air. Ionizers are almost as effective, and can cost less in the long run because they don’t require filters.
No Smoking in the House
This should go without saying, but if you allow smoking in your house, stop. We’re not going to berate you with the health risks, because everyone talks about that. Consider the cost to your home’s value. Any prospective buyer is going to turn their nose up at a house that smells like smoke.
Hire a Professional
If all else fails, or if you just don’t have the time, consider hiring a home air professional. If you need professional house cleaning Washington DC is full of companies who offer a variety of services at reasonable prices.
Today’s post was from Anita Edwards – professional writer and editor. She works as blog editor at Spekless, where she shares her own and her colleagues’ tips for cleaning. In her free time, she enjoys cooking and going on day trips with her children.