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If you are a parent, you are probably looking for homeopathic remedies that are safe for your child and will help improve their health. You want to choose natural products that will help the body do its job and heal itself on its own, without using over the counter or prescription medicines. Hyland’s has been offering homeopathic remedies for over a century. In 1903, pharmacist George Hyland started the company with the intention of offering safe, homeopathic options to his customers. Ever since, the company has been working to promote good health through natural healing. They offer a wide variety of products, including a comprehensive line of products designed to help babies. Below, are three of the amazing homeopathic remedies you can consider to help your baby gain relief and regain their health.

Baby Oral Pain Relief Tablets
Teething can be very uncomfortable for your baby. They (thankfully) haven’t had to experience much pain in their lives, and their teeth trying to break through their gums is a new, very unpleasant feeling! Help your baby to get some relief from their discomfort. The Baby Oral Pain Relief Tablets are designed to soothe your baby’s swollen and painful gums. The tablets dissolve quickly once they are placed in your baby’s mouth. You may recognize the name Hyland’s from the previously popular Hyland’s Teething Tablets. The old tablets were recalled at the request of the FDA due to belladonna found in them. The Baby Oral Pain Relief Tablets do not contain belladonna like the Hyland’s Teething Tablets did, so you don’t have to be concerned about any negative side effects for your baby.
Baby Mucus + Cold Relief
When your baby has a cold and is congested and full of mucus, it can be hard to watch. Your baby seems uncomfortable, may not be eating or sleeping like they normally do, and may even be having some trouble breathing. You want to do what you can to help them get relief, without having to give them over the counter medicines! Enter Baby Mucus + Cold Relief. This homeopathic remedy is designed to break down mucus safely and help your baby breathe easy!
Baby Colic Tablets
A fussy, colicky baby can be both frustrating and exhausting for the parents. It can be very hard watching your baby cry and not being able to help them calm down. Your baby doesn’t sleep well, which means that you don’t sleep well. This is why the Baby Colic Tablets were developed. These tablets will help your baby to calm down, relax, and get back to sleep! Once your baby is able to sleep, you will be able to get yourself some much-needed sleep as well! Everyone in your house will be more rested and happier when you used the Baby Colic Tablets!
Homeopathic remedies are popular with many because they don’t have some of the horrible side effects associated with many prescription drugs. Think about the last time you saw a commercial for a medication. There is always a long list of possible, negative side effects that may be associated with the medication. With homeopathic medicines, you don’t run the risk of these adverse reactions. There are many great homeopathic products that Hyland’s has to offer for your baby and your whole family. Visit their website to see all they have to offer and learn how they can help your family!