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Becoming a mother changes you entirely, including your body. After pregnancy, you’ll notice that your different parts of your body are not entirely the same. This also depends on the age that you gave birth to your child as some women are naturally still going through changes. During pregnancy, your body is going through a transformation of its own.
We understand that this is a special time in your life but want you to beware of the not so uncommon changes that your body will experience after giving birth. Understand that giving yourself some time postpartum to wait for your body to experience its full changes is important. Think about it, it took your body 9-months to fully change and adjust to having a baby it is going to take about 3-6 months to get back to its normal state or start adjusting to any new changes. These changes are not the same for every woman but they are pretty standard changes. The most common change to happen is the change in your breasts after pregnancy, although there are some other pretty common changes that occur that most of us don’t realize.
Hair loss
Hair loss after pregnancy is a very common problem post-pregnancy, it’s said that most women will lose on average a third of their hair. You can help prevent this by using special shampoos formulated for pregnancy. Postpartum hair loss shampoos are specially formulated to help reduce shedding, strengthen hair, and promote new growth. Visit to learn more. Sometimes this happens mid-pregnancy but typically this will begin happening around 2-3 months of your baby being born. This is due to your hormone levels increasing and fluctuating. When you’re pregnant, your hormone levels are at a higher peak and after pregnancy, they tend to drop. This is when the hair loss starts to happen and you lose some thickness in your hair.
Weight gain
This one may not be much of a surprise to most women, but it can go either way. Either you may gain a few extra pounds or depending on how athletic you were before pregnancy, you may drop back to your original weight. According to Live Science, one in 4 women will hang onto approx. 11 pounds or more after giving birth. This means that a woman will end up becoming heavier than she was before giving birth although the pounds per woman varies depending on her body pre-pregnancy.
Your breasts
Although most women immediately believe that they will have larger breasts after pregnancy, this is not entirely true. Yes, your breasts may increase in size during pregnancy, but once you have given birth it is likely that your breasts will deflate. Whether or not you breastfeed your baby, this is a normal part of post-pregnancy. Your breasts tend to get larger during pregnancy due to weight gain but once you have given birth it is likely that they will decrease in size and potentially change in shape as well. This is why we recommend to any new moms that are completed with breastfeeding to start taking supplements to fill out their breasts and restore them after pregnancy. It is hard to predict how each woman’s breasts will react being that some women’s breasts will revert to the way they were before, potentially get smaller or possibly get larger.
Stretch marks
Oh, the most common problem of all post-pregnancy. This is one that you will begin to experience during pregnancy and gets a bit more noticeable after pregnancy. Although the good news is, over time these marks will begin to diminish and not be as noticeable. On average a woman’s stretch marks will begin fading within 1-2 years. Of course, this is subject to change depending on how many more pregnancies occur after the first one and additional weight gain/loss as well. The good news is, there are many solutions to a quicker recovery period when it comes to something as simple as stretch marks.
Varicose veins
This one is not so fun, but unfortunately, most pregnant women suffer from this. According to a vein specialist located in Phoenix, when you gain excessive weight during pregnancy it is bound to leave your legs with spider veins and or varicose veins. Just as with stretch marks, over time they become less prominent they do stick around a bit harsher than stretch marks. This is due to the uterus’s heavyweight and pressure that is occurring during pregnancy which stops blood flow from moving on the lower half of your body. Exercising and wearing compression socks during pregnancy is important when trying to prevent varicose veins.
Your period gets heavier
Just in case you’re wondering why your period flow is heavier now than before, this is also a very normal part of post-pregnancy. You may go through a few weeks of bleeding after pregnancy and start experiencing irregular periods. Once you stop breastfeeding your body will adjust back to its normal routine approximately 2-3 months after. This is caused by your uterus growing during pregnancy and then shrinking after giving birth. Also, depending on if you were on birth control prior to getting pregnant your body may experience different reactions.
Although these changes are not necessarily pointed to all women, they are very common and do happen to the majority of women who were recently pregnant. None of these changes is anything you need to worry about too much being that in most cases your body will return to its normal state in due time. Although it is best to let things happen naturally if you want to push things along a bit faster you can follow some natural remedies. You may want to raise your intake in vitamins and minerals to help give your body a boost, but if you decide to let your body work naturally then you must be patient.
If this is your first time getting pregnant these symptoms may seem more severe because your body is not used to what is happening, but if you have had multiple pregnancies than these side effects should be of no surprise to you. Also, keep in mind that the more pregnancies you have the longer and harder it may be to “bounce back”. If you are just going through your first and only pregnancy, these side effects may not last as long as a mom of several children. Be mindful that the healthier your lifestyle after pregnancy is the quicker you are to eliminating some of these post-pregnancy side effects.