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If you are looking for guides and tips on how you can have better, more youthful, and more appealing skin, you will more than likely be faced with a plethora of guides and how-tos along with intensive procedures and steps and tips to follow. But while you may want to pamper yourself once in a while with a facial mask, for instance, or go for treatment in a skincare centre, there are still some things you can do that don’t have to take up too much of your time if you want healthier skin. These are standard, common-sense tips for better skin, and they don’t take up too much time and effort – or expense. Here, then, is how you can gently and effectively care for your skin: the most basic and essential tips.

- Always be mindful of the sun
The sun may feel glorious on our skin, but the truth of the matter is that it can have adverse effects, too. A lifetime of being continuously exposed to the sun can lead to wrinkles and age spots and even more serious problems such as skin cancer. For complete protection from the sun, always use sunscreen. There’s simply no excuse – you need sunscreen with an SPF of a minimum of 15, and make sure it’s a broad-spectrum product. Apply it as generously as possible, and don’t forget to reapply the sunscreen every two hours, especially if you’re perspiring or swimming or are spending the day outdoors – even during the winter.
- Be gentle with your skin
Yes, it’s easy to say ‘be gentle with your skin’ but you may be wondering what exactly this means. Well, it simply means adhering to some basic rules as well. One rule to follow would be to limit your time in the shower or bath – hot water can remove the skin’s natural oils, and if you can, it’s best to stick to warm rather than hot water. Aside from this, avoid using strong and harsh soaps, and go for mild cleansers. If you are shaving, shave as carefully as possible, and don’t forget to lather on shaving cream, gel, or lotion before you shave. Use a clean and sharp razor and shave in the same direction as the growth of hair and never against it.
After you shower or bathe, don’t rub your skin – just blot or pat it dry with a soft towel so it can retain some moisture, and once your skin has dried from your bath or shower, moisturise it with the proper moisturiser for the type of skin you have. You can look for one from SkinCeuticals, for example, which has a preservative-free, non-comedogenic, and silicone-free moisturising cream along with other excellent skincare products.
- Eat healthily
This can’t be stressed enough, either – eat healthily. This means limiting your intake of junk food (or completely avoiding it if you can) and sticking to a diet loaded with lots of veggies, grains, fruits, and lean protein. While the relationship between a diet rich in fish oil and low in refined or processed carbohydrates and better, clearer skin hasn’t been entirely proven, it may still help you have younger and more youthful-looking skin. And don’t forget to hydrate your skin with plenty of water as well!