I was asked to review this book, and am so happy I was! All opinions expressed are my own. As you know I have six beautiful kids, two of them fall into the toddler age range. Those two cuties are also my biggest challenges day after day. Talon “The terrific two Tornado” his shenanigans and being extremely busy and into everything has me going every which way, to my five year olds meltdown (any and everywhere) these two can at times make me want to pull my hair out! So when I was presented with the opportunity to read HOW TODDLERS THRIVE: What Parents Can Do Today for Children Ages 2-5 to Plant the Seeds of Lifelong Success, I was like YES!! the request came on one of those not so great mommy days that I had found myself on my knees asking for help to know how to deal with or prevent these constant meltdowns with my Darling yet Devilish at times Devon! I honestly can say my prayer was answered a few weeks later when this book showed up! I was instantly pulled into the book by Sarah Jessica Parker’s forewords. “Tovah taught me how to resist the temptation to fix everything, and instead give my children the opportunity to learn how to problem-solve for themselves.”— Sarah Jessica Parker
“Tovah Klein, PhD, called “the toddler whisperer” on Good morning America, is a child psychologist, the director of the Barnard Center for Toddler Development, and former advisor on Sesame Street. A graduate of University of Michigan and Duke University, Klein’s passion for early education spans nearly twenty years.Why do some children thrive, and others struggle? The answers may surprise you. New research indicates that the seeds for adult success are actually planted in the toddler years.
How Toddlers Thrive explains why the toddler years are different than any other period during childhood. She shows what is happening in children’s brains and bodies at this age that makes their behavior so turbulent, and why your reaction to their behavior—the way you speak to, speak about, and act toward your toddler—holds the key to a successful tomorrow and a happier today. This provocative book will inspire you to be a better parent, and give you the tools to help you nurture your child’s full potential. A smart and useful guide, this book cracks the preschooler code, revealing what you can do to help your toddler grow into a fulfilled child and adult—while helping you and your toddler live more happily together now, and every day.”
I didn’t just read How Toddlers Thrive I studied it, highlighting and marking every part that I felt was good information that seemed to be written just for me or at least my kids. As it sits next me on the desk as I write this review I can’t help but laugh at how “used” this book looks after just a few weeks of owning it. Its because I have sticky noted every page that I may need to reference for a later day…see for yourself. I guess I need all the “Toddler Whispering ” from Tovah I can get. hahaha
So here are just a few pictures to demonstrate what I was dealing with at home prior to being equipped with tools to prevent and reduce the madness I was dealing with.
“Klein’s book HOW TODDLERS THRIVE: What Parents Can Do Today for Children Ages 2-5 to Plant the Seeds of Lifelong Success (Touchstone Paperback; $16.00; February 24, 2015; ISBN: 978-1476-7351-46) with a foreword by Sarah Jessica Parker is now in available in paperback with a brand-new Q&A section that explains the biggest toddler mysteries and most frequently asked questions. This classic parenting guide explains what parents should be focusing on teaching their toddlers—hint: it’s not necessarily learning letters, drilling numbers, or instilling strict discipline. Sure, these skills help kids pass standardized tests, but they are not what will help them flourish in the long-term. Dr. Klein’s research and firsthand work with thousands of toddlers explains the REAL skills that kids 2-5 should be learning before they get to school. ”
If you want to see your toddler thrive or even thrive as a parent, I strongly recommend this book!
How Toddlers Thrive Gets Bragging Rights!!!