Whether you experience scabs on scalp that won’t heal, severe itching or an unpleasant smell on the scalp it is all due to scalp conditions. Itchy scabs and scalp infections are often quite harmless and can clear up on their own. However, this is not always the case especially if you don not intervene immediately against scalp yeast infections.
Why is my scalp getting unhealthy?
Your scalp can become unhealthy due to various conditions, such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, using bad hair care products and the development of a yeast infection on your scalp. With bad hair products we mean several soaps and shampoos that contain irritating substances for your skin. A tip that could help you avoid using bad products for your scalp is: doing better research beforehand about wat ingredients are in the products you use. For example, silicones, sulphates, and parabens are best avoided as they can cause damage to your hair condition and in some cases to the scalp as well.
Psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, and yeast infections on the scalp on the other hand are conditions that can cause flaky patches of skin in form of scales or rash. It is best to actively try to combat these conditions by using caring products that involve natural ingredients to soothe and calm the scalp.
How to treat an unhealthy scalp?
To treat an unhealthy scalp you should firstly keep your scalp clean. Make sure to was your hair regularly with a gentle exfoliating shampoo to keep the scalp free of impurities and build-up. You can do this for example by using Neofollics Peeling Serum to peel off the impurities and after that using a medicated shampoo that exfoliates the scalp.
When you suffer from an unhealthy scalp don’t use hot water because this can strip your scalp of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Massage your scalp regularly with your fingers to improve blood circulation or use a scalp roller that helps you with keeping to blood flow stimulated. If you follow these tips and keep your scalp moisturised and free of bad hair products, you will encourage your scalp to regain its health.