New pillow covers are the perfect way to revamp your bedroom and make it more comfortable to sleep in. However, before you rush out and buy new pillow covers, you might want to consider how old your current ones are and whether or not they are still providing good protection against dust mites and other allergens. It’s not always easy to tell when it’s time to buy new pillow covers, but this guide will help you know when it’s time to change them out or simply wash them so they’re as fresh as possible.

You have allergies
If you have seasonal allergies, you’ll need a pillow protector that keeps dust mites and other allergens at bay. Since dust mites are microscopic, a pillow protector is your best bet for avoiding allergic reactions. If you’re simply concerned about odor or stain protection, buy a pillow cover—they’re cheaper than pillows with zippered protectors. (They also work great on standard pillows.) However, if you want both allergy-fighting and odor-fighting abilities in one pillow protector, look for one that has an antimicrobial treatment. This will help keep your pillow cleaner longer.
The cover no longer fits your pillow
If your pillow cover is no longer large enough to fit your pillow, then it’s time for a new one. Though you may still have plenty of life left in your current pillow protector, if you can see light shining through from an uncovered spot, then it’s probably time for something new. Otherwise, you may end up sharing more than just germs with those around you – such as those pesky dust mites and allergens. As soon as you notice that your pillow cover has become too small, purchase a new one! And be sure to change out pillow protectors regularly (at least once every three months).
Too many stains or smells
If you find that your pillow protector is too full of stains and smells, then it’s probably time for a new one. Although you can wash your pillow cover regularly, using and washing a new protector will give your sheets room to breathe and stay clean longer. Start replacing your protectors every 3 months if they have 2–3 people using them each night or more frequently if they have more people. Also, we advise against washing them in warm water as high temperatures may weaken their structure over time.
Your pillows need replacing
According to everlasting comfort, pillows should be replaced every year because they lose their supportiveness over time. A pillow protector will help protect your pillow’s integrity—but you’ll also know it’s time for a new one when your old one becomes worn or damaged. This can happen on its own or as a result of frequent washing and drying, which degrades fabrics over time. If you have feather pillows, replace them every three months; if you have synthetic-fill pillows, replace them once a year. If your pillow starts to feel lumpy or flat (or if it has tears in it), it’s probably time for a replacement.