We’ve all seen them, lined up on the shelves of stores and market surface around the world. Fake designer handbags are a market niche all of their own, giving everyday buyers a chance to own their own little piece of history and enjoy the aesthetic look of a bag that has been inspired by and designed to replicate an authentic luxury model.
But how can you differentiate between an authentic designer handbag and a fake one when it really matters, and when there are thousands of pounds at stake?
After all, fakes are becoming more sophisticated in their design, and scam artists are consistently finding new ways of updating and improving their replicated models to make them look and feel more and more like the real thing. With that said, here are some of the things to look out for when distinguishing a fake from the real thing.
What to look for when checking the authenticity of a handbag
Authentication certificate
One of the easiest and most obvious things to look and/or ask for is the authentication certificate which proves that a handbag is in fact the real, designer deal.
Every brand has its own authentication technique, with Hermes presenting a serial number on each bag (but no certificate) while Chanel distinguishes its authentic bags with a date stamp (now contained within a readable chip in all new models).
Quality craftsmanship
If there’s one thing that unites all luxury designer handbags from all brands, it’s the attention to detail and the quality craftsmanship which is clearly demonstrable in every detail and component of the bag.
Stitching is one of those details which is often the easiest to distinguish, with luxury handbags usually made by hand which leaves every stitch perfectly in line with the next.
Sturdy material
To return to a genuine Hermes handbag by way of an example, one clear indicator of a real Hermes bag is that it can stand up on its own and hold its shape perfectly. Many fake handbags out there are made from much lower quality materials which do not have the same strength or ability to hold their shape.
So, when in doubt, stand the handbag on a flat surface and see how it responds.
Check the hardware
If you’ve ever looked at designer handbags in great detail, you will notice that every piece of hardware is as decorative as it is functional – and this makes the hardware a key indicator of an authentic or fake designer handbag. The branding on true designer hardware will always be clearly defined and embossed or cut to perfection, whereas fakes often pay less attention to these details and instead present rounded or bubbled writing.
Seasonal colour palettes
If you know your designer brands, you will be familiar with the concept of seasonal colour palettes and the fact that every year a new colour set is released across the favoured and most popular collections and handbag models.
Aside from adding a hint of annual excitement when designers release their new colours and products, this also makes the colour a clear indicator of authenticity – with buyers able to check the release pattern and see if the colour of a handbag they are being sold correlates with the year of production stated inside the bag. If the two don’t match the brand’s records, it’s a fake.
Spot a deal
Finally, it is no secret that authentic designer handbags sell for thousands upon thousands of pounds. If you find a deal which feels too good to be true, the chances are that it almost definitely is – and what you are being sold for a “bargain” is in fact a fake.
How to get your designer handbag authenticated
A service that is well worth the cost whether you plan on selling your designer handbag or not, a formal authentication and subsequent valuation will help you to prove the status of your handbag as a genuine luxury item. This will increase its value tenfold on the resale market and give you clear proof of your bag’s status whatever you choose to do with it.