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Teaching Essay Writing
The parents do realize that good writing skills of their children are very important for their education at all levels, as well as for their career and, eventually, for their happy life. But here is the key question: how to make them love writing?
With no doubts, parents may give children a cue how to write properly. The adults are able to explain the meanings of particular words. You can explain how to start essay writing and how to finish it. But children are often awfully fidgety, especially boys. They have difficulties to be sitting at the desk and writing even a half an hour. In addition, they can heavily focus on the subject and express properly what they think.
One woman said that she never stops to discover this world thru the interests of her children. Doing something together, the parents and the child, it doesn’t mean a waste of time for the adults. You can always learn something new during the common occupation with your children.

The essay writing should be an interesting occupation to the kid. If you press on him and force him writing, forget about his success in it. The parent should understand the main interests of the child. What does he or she think about something? What does he or she want? Besides the school tasks, invent an interesting topic and offer him to write a simple story. When the essay is finished, the kid must have positive impressions and satisfaction of his achievement.
If the parents have the pedagogical background or have not, teaching an essay writing for kids is not a piece of cake. Parents should start from very simple things to explain. Depending on the age, it is better to start with the language: meaning of the new words, useful expressions, correct writing, and the basics of the style. The earlier the child starts composing written words, the better. If you understand that some language aspects are missing, focus on them and give more examples. It is essential for the child to be understood by means of his written words.
Main idea
The second step for writing would be the main idea of the future spider essay. The preliminary oral discussion of the main idea will make the child understand what a thesis is. In the conversation, the right prompts will lead the child’s thoughts in the due direction. Explain that the thesis is the main idea of the written piece of work and all other words of the essay should be in a close connection with it.
Explaining of the plan is coming next. According to the plan, the building of an essay will be constructed. For the beginning, the 3-paragraph format for writing an essay will be enough: thesis, main body, and conclusion. This way the kid’s thoughts will move logically from the first sentence to the conclusion. The child may have difficulties to pick up the right words or expressions, this is quite normal. If you are close doing your own home works, when the kid is writing, he may ask you how it would be better to say something. Don’t refuse him in the assistance.
Despite the total lack of time, if you could play in the essay competition game, it would be perfect. Invent a simple, but interesting topic and try to write essays separately in silence. Then, read essays by turn, discuss them, and share opinions. Instead of criticizing the young talent, it would be better to emphasize the positive points first and to say compliments. Your kid can learn on the concrete examples much faster. Moreover, the practice makes perfect. If you use this technique from time to time at home, the good result will not wait.
Having in mind teaching the good command of English, don’t forget about educating your prodigy to think originally and to select relevant expressions. The personal way of thinking, the good taste, and the humor are very important. Yes, children love funny stories and if they manage to express them on the paper, your main goal is almost complete. You made your kid love writing essays. This is the vital task. The perfection in writing will come. That is only the matter of time and efforts.