A Guide for Parents Who Consume Cannabis
Maybe you enjoy cannabis occasionally or maybe it’s your go-to choice for winding down each night after the kids are in bed. Either way, you probably don’t enjoy how noticeable its distinct smell is, especially with kiddos in the house.
Fortunately, there are a few simple strategies that can keep its smell to a minimum, and even some tools that can help. Read on to learn how to smell-proof your weed so you can peacefully consume at home.

How To Smell-Proof Weed in a Stash Box
Even if you keep your weed stashed in a box on the top shelf of a closet or hiding in the garage, the smell can be strong enough to give you away. Try these tips for smell-proofing your stash box so nobody feels inclined to go looking for it.
- Keep a box of baking soda inside your stash box. This works just like the box of baking soda you keep in the back of your fridge to absorb odors.
- Stick a sachet in your stash box. You might already have these in your dresser drawers or linen closet to keep things smelling fresh. Adding one to your stash box will do the same, though be sure your flower is in a separate container within your stash box so the sachet scent doesn’t transfer to your flower.
- Reuse silica gel packets. You know those silica gel packets that come in shoe boxes and clothing packages? Instead of trashing them, put them in your stash box to help absorb moisture and odor. Again, be sure your flower is in its own container so it doesn’t directly mingle with the packets.
How To Smell-Proof Weed While You’re Smoking
Stash box odor is one thing, but smell-proofing while you’re smoking is another. Try these tricks to keep curious noses from sniffing you out.
- Boil vinegar while you smoke. Vinegar’s scent can pretty much mask any other, especially when it’s boiling. And if anyone asks, you can say you’re cooking or cleaning. (You could even do just that and cook or clean with it after you’re done smoking!)
- Cook something with a strong smell. Roast garlic in your oven, get some bacon going on the stove, burn popcorn in the microwave—anything that’ll quickly and effectively spread a strong smell through the house.
- Use the right pipe. Smoking out of a one-hitter or glass pipe leaves odorous ash and resin behind. They also leave the bowl exposed, airing out bits of burned flower and ash that might be left behind. Instead, opt for a pipe that has a bowl with a detachable lid, like the MAZE-X pipe.
How To Smell-Proof Weed With the Right Pipe
The MAZE-X pipe has several features that make it ideal for parents who consume cannabis and need something to help hide the smell.
- Its detachable lid allows you to fully seal the bowl when you’re finished. This masks the scent of what you just burned, and it also allows you to save a hit or two for later if you don’t want to finish your whole bowl at once.
- Its patented technology filters out hot resin and tar from the smoke, helping to reduce the stink and protect your lungs. Plus, you can add a charcoal filter to it to remove even more resin and tar.
- It’s easily washable, so you don’t have a smelly, resin-filled piece lying around.
Explore the MAZE-X pipe now to see all its benefits, from reducing that skunky smell to eliminating oh-so-obvious coughing fits.