Keeping a car on the road is certainly not cheap and for many motorists this can make it difficult to make ends meet each month. Car payments, fuel, insurance, road tax and maintenance can all add up to a significant amount, but you should know that there are lots of good ways to make savings on your motoring costs that could improve your financial situation.
Buy in Affordable Areas
The cost of a car is always a major cost and one that can be hard for many to manage. Shopping in the used car market is a great way to make savings, but you should know that how much you pay will also depend on where in the country, and even city, you are buying. A survey of UK cities in 2022 revealed that the cost of a used car can fluctuate heavily depending on where you buy it, with the cheapest places shown as Romford, Newcastle and Derby. In contrast, the most expensive places were Epsom, Warwick and Sutton-in-Ashfield. However, there are many places you can find a good deal – simply search for “cars for sale plymouth” or something similar depending on your location, and you should see all of the best deals in your area.
Choose an Efficient Car
One of the best ways to save money on driving is to choose a car with a high MPG, which will help you to make savings on fuel and could reduce your road tax. It is worth considering an electric or hybrid as these will help you to make huge long-term savings in addition to reducing your environmental impact.
Reduce Mileage
Following on from this, you should also try to reduce your mileage if possible. Instead of automatically grabbing the keys, assess whether it is practical to walk/cycle instead. In addition to saving on fuel, this could also help to lower your insurance too.
Keep Up With Basic Maintenance
Performing basic maintenance on your car throughout the year will keep your car in the best condition and could help to avoid any costly repairs. Find an affordable repair shop, such as Elite Campbell, A few basic tasks that you should be doing include:
- Topping up fluids
- Changing engine oil
- Topping tyres up
- Checking the tyre tread depth
- Cleaning the car inside and out
Additionally, make sure that you stick to the car’s service schedule to keep it in good condition and so that any small problems can be identified before they turn into large and expensive problems.
Protect Yourself
It may seem counterintuitive to spend more money, but optional coverage like extended warranties and GAP insurance can be a smart way to protect yourself. Many people wonder if GAP insurance is worth it, but it is generally cheap and protects you against owing money on a car that’s written off or stolen.
Hopefully, this post will help you to make savings on your motoring costs and give you a little bit more breathing room each month. Driving can be hugely expensive, but there are always ways that you can make savings that can make it more affordable and improve your financial situation.