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If you are looking for a way of sending a fax to your employer or if you have to fax the official documents to any government office, but you don’t have a fax machine and a landline connection you can find the reliable ways in this article to make it possible.

Fax is still preferred by many business organizations and government offices to receive the documents from the people. As it is obvious, in the present-day most people don’t use fax in routine and landlines are also not the most used mean of connecting with people.
So fax becomes a cumbersome thing to do in these conditions. If you are facing such issues you are in the right place as all your questions will be answered in this article.
First option: Online fax services:
The first option for you is to use the online faxing services which allow you to fax from your home by using any device you have. You can convert your computer, laptop, and even the smartphone into the virtual fax machine.
As fax is the analog signal these devices are digital interface, to make them work in harmony you need a third party to intervene and convert the digital signals into analog signals and vice versa. These online faxing services do all the work of faxing for you with just a few clicks. If you have to send a few faxes you can use the free trial offered by these services and after that, you can cancel the subscription.
CocoFax-virtual fax machine:
CocoFax is the answer for how to receive faxes online for free. CocoFax is the online fax service which you can use without installing an application; it is accessible on any web browser. You have to sign up for its account and it also provides a month free trial for its users.
Fax number is the one thing you must have otherwise you will not be able to send and receive the fax. In old days it was a cumbersome process to call the telephone interpreter and get the fax number. Now CocoFax provides you a fax number free of cost online. You can choose the fax number from different categories.

Maverick features offered by the CocoFax:
CocoFax is your respite out of the hassle of where to fax ambiguity. CocoFax provides a free trial for one month period and a free fax number. Its end to end encryption services makes it suitable for use in health care services to transfer sensitive information about the patients and in business organizations to keep the business secrets safe.
CocoFax works 24 hours a day 7 days a week so there is no downtime and you won’t miss any of the fax sent to you. The user-friendly feature of CocoFax is a fax to email and email to fax which adds to the popularity of CocoFax. Your faxes are saved by the CocoFax for an unlimited period of time in its large storage capacity.
More than that, CocoFax enjoys millions of users with recognition from PC world, Forbes, Android Authority, CNET, PCMag, TechRadar.

How to send a fax by CocoFax dashboard:
Sending a fax by using CocoFax is like a child’s play. There is no rocket science involved in it. Here the whole process is described in detail for your ease.
Step 1:
The first thing you need is the CocoFax account. On you can sign up for the free trial if you have to send a few faxes for one month after that you can unsubscribe if you want otherwise you will have to pay for a monthly plan. Here in the first step, you will choose the free fax number

And after that, you have to enter the email address of the account you want to use for faxing purposes.

Step 2:
After signing up a CocoFax dashboard will appear, you can see the ‘new fax’ option on the top left corner click on that.
Step 3:
A new window will open where you have to draft the fax. Make sure to fill in the fields properly to avoid any hurdle in sending the fax.
To: In this field type the fax number of the recipient and make sure there is no mistake in the number.
Subject: This field is not necessary to fill in but you can type the title of the fax here.
Body: Here you have the choice of composing the short summary of the fax or you can enter the details about yourself but you can leave it empty. It won’t do any harm.
Attachment: Now finally in this field, you can select and attach the document you want to fax from your computer or phone. If the document is in hard copy you can easily convert it into soft copy by taking pictures with your phone.
Step 4:
After drafting the fax to take a look and confirm everything is alright, after that click on the send button to transfer the fax to the recipient.

If the fax is sent successfully to the recipient you will know about it instantly, now you don’t have to wait for the confirmation call from the recipient. If there is any problem with the lines or if the recipient is using the fax machine then you have to check whether the machine is on or not. Otherwise, the fax won’t reach its destination.
Receive fax on CocoFax dashboard:
Receiving a fax is very convenient and free of any steps. You will automatically receive the fax in your inbox and you will receive the notification on the dashboard along with an email to inform you of the new incoming fax.
Option 2: Use a public fax machine
Another method you can use is to go to the shop near your house and check if it has the photocopy and scanning services available. You can pay them for faxing your documents.
Option 3: Request in office
If you are an office employee you can request the administrative staff if they have the fax machine to fax your documents. Another thing you can do is to use Google and search for the nearby faxing facilities around you.
Now you have the options in front of you to choose for sending and receiving the faxes. CocoFax allows you to send as well as receive the faxes from the convenience of your home and maintain the secrecy but with other options, you are able to send the fax for once but for receiving you will have to go again to them and its quite time taking and the information could get leaked out from these shops. So the best and easy option for you is to use an online faxing service especially CocoFax.