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Being a parent is a difficult task but it is the most rewarding jobs we can have as parents. We really desire to raise our kids in the best possible way that prepares them to live fulfilled, happy, productive lives. After all, who doesn’t want to be considered as the best father or mother in the world?

However, in a bid to attain this, we sometimes end up overparenting our kids. How can this be avoided? In this inspiring, informative article, we have 4 tips raising happy and successful kids!
- Ensure that your child feels loved, unique & special.
No matter your kids’ age, they need physical touch in order to be happy. Hence, you need to make it a habit to generously hug and cuddle them frequently. While parents can be at times feel tired or stressed, it is important to always give them attention, focusing not only on areas where they need to improve on personally, academically but most importantly their strengths and achievements. This, of course, makes them feel special.
Never compare them but show appreciation for the uniqueness of your children. When they give you gifts on special occasions, like your birthday or marriage anniversary, value their gifts equally. When your kids feel loved and valued, they feel happy and less stressed and even thrive in their academic pursuit. What is more, they will be able to foster meaningful relationships with their peers and others in the community, thus, laying the foundation for their health and emotional well-being.
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- Become a happier person yourself.
According to a research, happy parents are more likely to have happy children and unhappy parents are most likely to have unhappy children. This is because parents are the role models who play a significant role in influencing their children’s moral development, physiological, and emotional well being.
Even though you may not be aware of it, your children listen and observe all that you say and do from their little eyes. Everything your kids learn, they learn first by watching you and they will spend much of their early childhood trying to directly emulate your behavior. Hence, the need for you to practice what you preach. If you want happy and successful kids, they should also see this in you.
- Teach them to be all-around healthy.
Healthy eating habits and engaging in physical activity are vital components for a happy, healthy and a successful lifestyle. As a parent, you need to be exemplary when it comes to healthy eating and physical activity and also teach them the health benefits that come from eating well and having regular exercise. Do not just encourage regular exercise, but participate in physical activities together as a family.
When possible, prepare meals and eat together as a family. By so doing, the book, The Secrets of Happy Families states your kids will be less likely to smoke, drink, do drugs, or develop psychological issues.
What is more, encourage your kids to get plenty of sleep as research has shown that children who get insufficient sleep are likely to become obese, have poorer brain function and less creative. Remember, the happiness and future success of your children depends also on healthy physical development.
- Teach your children to forgive.
It is very normal to be angry when offended; however, it is unhealthy to remain angry. Hence, if you want to raise happy kids, you must teach them to forgive and the benefits that it brings. Forgiveness is the key that leads to happiness in children. On the other hand, unforgiveness, which is like slapping one’s self and expecting another person to feel the pain only leads to bitterness, depression, anger, and anxiety, all of which are unhealthy feelings.
When children learn to forgive each other, it increases their levels of happiness and helps foster healthy and strong relationships with others. Most importantly, parents have to be role models when it comes to forgiveness. When there are marital issues, avoid holding a grudge against your partner and ensure to have conflicts resolved quickly and peacefully.
Happy and successful parenting!