The warm summers may be one of the more enjoyable times of the year but the hot weather tends to bring out the bugs.

Mosquitos seem to appear in the thousands as soon as the sun comes out. They’re not only annoying but they can also pose a safety risk to you and your children. They can carry a range of diseases, including malaria, West Nile, and Zika. You can visit Revive for essential oils for bug bites.
Since, children tend to spend more time outside when the weather warms up, protecting them against biting bugs is crucial. There are lots of different things that you can do in addition to mosquito pest control to help keep the mosquitos away and enjoy a bite-free summer with your kids.
Here are some great ways to protect your children from getting bitten by mosquitos.
Keep Your Children’s Skin Covered
You might be wondering can mosquitoes bite through clothes? This is a valid question as many people think that mosquitos can get through clothing. However, this is not true.
Keeping your kids covered up with long-sleeved shirts and long trousers can be an effective way of avoiding bites. The aim should be to minimize skin exposure as much as possible. Mosquitoes see bare skin as an invitation for a meal!
Avoid dressing your children in bright, colorful clothing as mosquitos are naturally attracted to bright colors. They are also attracted to black so try and stick to light-colored clothing instead.
Don’t Let Your Children Out in the Early Evenings
Mosquitos tend to come out at certain times of the day. In particular, they appear at dawn, dusk, and in the early evenings when the sun is setting.
Keep your children inside during these times of the day and think of some fun indoor activities that they can do. Allow them to play in outdoor areas over lunch time and in the early afternoons when the mosquitos are less likely to be flying around.
Apply DEET to Your Children’s Clothing
If you want to add an extra layer of protection for your kids, apply DEET to their clothing. DEET is a chemical insect repellent that is effective in keeping mosquitos away and preventing them from biting your children’s skin.
Note that you should not spray DEET on the clothing of infants who are below 2-3 months old. If you are applying it to older children’s clothing, keep it well away from their eyes, mouths, and any cuts and abrasions.
Be careful not to use DEET that is too high in concentration. Choose a chemical repellent that is up to 30% DEET and no higher.
Use Screens and Cover Any Holes
Mosquitos are tiny little bugs so they can easily get into your home through tiny cracks and holes in doors or windows.
While it might not be possible to cover every single tiny hole in your home, you can use screens over your doors and windows to keep the pesky bugs out and protect your children.