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Moms and dads change plenty of soiled diapers as their newborns grow to toddlerhood and beyond. Most parents have had their trials with blowouts and leaky diapers. Unfortunately, this is a part of childhood as there are many things that cause diapers to leak.

Possible Causes of Leaks in Baby Diapers
- Size is important. If a baby’s diaper leaks when lifted around the hips, the leg cuffs may be too snug and become damp as the child urinates. This can also happen if a baby’s onesies become too small. It is essential that the diaper a little one is wearing be snug at the waist but not too tight. These are called compression leaks.
- Elasticity counts. Diapers can also leak if the areas around the baby’s legs and bottom do not fit properly or have loose elasticity.
- The material’s absorbency must be effective. Some diapers are made from natural materials like hemp and cotton while others are made from synthetic materials. If a baby’s diaper has a low absorbency limit, there is a higher risk of leakage. Quality matters.
- Synthetic washing may damage the diaper. Washing a baby’s cloth diapers with chemical-based or synthetic detergents and softeners may damage diapers and cause leakage. A better option is to use plant-based detergents to wash diapers because they have a lesser chance of affecting the textile. This extends to any lotion or cream used on a baby as well. Using products that are made with chemicals can irritate a baby’s skin and affect the absorbency of the diaper.
Tips on Preventing Diaper Leaks
How do you prevent a diaper leak? There are several steps to reduce accidents.
- Choose the right size. Selecting the correct size of diaper, whether prefold or disposable, is paramount. A size that is too small or too large can both cause leaks. Measure the size and weight of the baby, and examine the diaper sizing to determine the correct category. Keep in mind that every baby develops individually. The categories cited on the diaper packages are only guidelines.
- Change the diaper properly. This may seem rather obvious, but there are instances when you may miss a fold or the baby is especially active. Check that the diaper is snug at the waist and positioned below the belly button. The leg cuffs must be wrapped around the infant’s legs and bottom. To check for a proper fit and that the cuffs are not tucked, run your fingers along the edges. Tucked cuffs are one of the reasons leaks occur. The tabs should be positioned downward and should be overlapping a bit to ensure a snug but not too tight fit. [1]
- Change diapers on schedule. Not changing a babies’ disposable diapers or cloth prefolds regularly can also cause leaks. Keep an eye out on when your baby’s diaper becomes wet and messy such as right after waking, after feedings, before and after naps, and before bed. As a baby grows, an individual bathroom schedule will emerge.
- Follow a healthy diet. Breastfeeding mothers should pay attention to their diets to ensure good overall health for both mothers and babies. For formula-fed babies, check if the milk is causing digestive problems. As a baby gets older and introduced to solid foods, stool consistency can change. Sometimes no matter how highly absorbent a diaper is, it can still leak.
Top Tips on Handling Leaky Nighttime Diapers
Babies need to eat often, and that means nighttime awakenings. To encourage comfort and rest, here are some ideas regarding how to prevent diaper leaks at night.
Here are a few tips to follow to stop a leaky diaper at night.
- No drinks before bed. For toddlers, don’t give liquids 1.5 hrs before bed time. For newborns and infants, feed them as needed. Never compromise children’s health over their diapers.
- Change the diaper before bed. Changing a baby’s diaper before you go to bed is an individual choice as some babies tend to wake with the movement. Changing the diaper before the parents’ bedtime may reduce leaks and offer better sleep.
- Try diaper booster pads. Some parents prefer to use diaper booster pads. Diaper booster pads are similar to feminine pads, but they easily fit a regular or overnight diaper. These pads are the first to absorb any urine, and when full, the other diaper absorbs the excess. Booster diapers work with both prefolds and disposable diapers.
- Change the diaper before your baby sleeps. Change your baby’s diaper before bed. This way, the diaper will have enough liner to absorb the liquid for a good night’s sleep. Waking up to a wet diaper increases the risk of the friction between a baby’s sensitive skin and the diaper. This may cause chafing and diaper rash.
- Switch to bigger diapers. Increased leaking as a baby grows may be a sign to consider a larger diaper size. Continue to choose nappies with an adequate waterproof layer.
- Point the privates down. Mothers of baby boys tend to get sprinkled when changing their sons’ diapers. To avoid this, point the privates down when changing their diapers.
- Try cloth underwear. Thick cloth underwear either under or over a diaper may help wick the extra moisture and water from the diaper. They are super absorbent. To clean, simply throw the underwear in the washing machine. Make sure to use baby laundry detergent that will not expose the underwear to any harsh chemicals.
- Use waterproof sheets. If a little one’s sleep is still interrupted because of a wet diaper, consider using waterproof sheets on the mattress. Waterproof sheets are an excellent way to keep the mattress in good shape.
- Consider potty training. As a baby grows to be a toddler, it may time to consider toilet training. Start offering underwear instead of daytime diapers. Do not give liquids 1.5 hours before bedtime. A sip of water is fine, but it should not be a glass. In some cases, toddlers need to be prodded to use the bathroom before bedtime to prevent the wetting of beds.
No matter what type of diaper, there will be occasional leaks. Over time, parents learn what works best, and accidents will be minimalized.