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Getting the best garage door opener in the market can be frustrating especially if you don’t know where to start from. Whether your steel line garage door opener came with the house or you installed it recently but it is causing you a lot of problems, there are solutions to help you in solving whatever garage opening problems you might currently be encountering.

What to buy first: the opener or door?
If you want to do an upgrade of your existing garage door and the garage opener, you might be wondering which one to purchase first. It is important that you consider first pairing your new garage door opener and your new door from the word go. It means that you will have to plan ahead or the purchase of both items at once so that your steel line garage door system is optimal for your application. Remember that, different doors require different types of openers, which might in the process, affect the requirements for your new opener which you are planning to purchase.
The only way to be sure that your garage door opener is able to fit your garage door requirements is by pairing them from a dealer who sales both openers and doors. They will be in a position to know which door requires which opener capacity and in the process, help in directing you to purchase both your dream door and opener which are compatible with each other. If you decide that you don’t want to pair them up, you might be forced to purchase additional parts such as extension kits and adapters to make them fit appropriately.
What are your drive style and weight capacity that you require?
The two important steps when it comes to buying a garage door opener is selecting the model which has the weight which is appropriate and the right drive style for your specific needs. Check out how large your garage door is. If you use the garage door more often as the main door to your home or you have a one piece door or oversized heavy garage door, then it will determine the size to pick.
Choose the opener for the style and weight of your garage door as this will ensure that your door’s opening system will be able to function properly and thus, you don’t require continued maintenance. The same door opener which is able to open a multi-piece steel line door, might not be able to open a wooden garage door. The requirements that your door has will dictate the opener’s capabilities.
You will have to consider the type of drive as there are those which are noisy as compared to others. If the opener will be closer to a bedroom or living space, then you will do well with a belt driven opener in order to avoid noise and vibration. If you require to lift heavy style doors, then going for a screwis driven opener for your garage door will be ideal.