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I believe it is wise to orient your child into the mobile telephony technology early enough so they can grow with it responsibly. However, it is necessary to do it wisely so that you don’t fall into the trap of abuse that many parents find their kids in. Here are and precautions and measures you need to have in mind before and after buying the phone so that you can remain in charge of its usage.
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H2: Specify Phone Usage Hours
Another measure that paper writing believes is critical in maintaining control in the way you teens use their mobile phones is setting the hours they need to use the devices. We recommend you establish when the child picks the phone and when they need to switch it off before retiring to bed. This way, you will keep them off the trap of addiction.
H2: Establish Open and Frequent Communication With Your Child
Do not just give the child the phone and assume things will work out well automatically. The reason is that the cell phone has become one of the leading platforms for bullying. Therefore, you have to initiate open and empathetic communications with your child. This way, paper writing believes it will be easy to know if they are facing any online or offline harassment from bullies. Otherwise, if you don’t do this, you may end up defeating the very purpose of buying the phone in the first place.
H2: Know and Comply With Your Child’s School Rules
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When buying your kid a smartphone, it is needful to know the rules that regulate mobile phone usage since every school has its own regulations. For instance, some schools have a total ban on all smartphones while others allow them on condition that the kids will keep them in their lockers or backpacks. On the other side, some schools allow their usage in–between classes or for doing their assignments. Therefore, paper writing strongly suggests you confirm with the school authorities about their particular restrictions.
H2: Use GPS Location Trackers
Another precaution that paper writing recommends for regulating your kids’ smartphone usage is including GPS location trackers as one of the ways of monitoring your kids’ smartphone in your absence. The market has many apps you can use to locate your child so that you can know where they are every time and keep in touch with them. In addition, paper writing believes that such features can help you in holding your teens accountable for their movements and actions. The reason is that the applications alert you whenever the child crosses the boundaries you set in the app. For instance, if the alert shows you that they are out of town at a time when they should be at school, it will be easier to know that your child is absconding school.
H2: Emphasize the Value of Family Time
If you don’t want your child to become addicted to their smartphone, teach and emphasize the need for and value of family time. I strongly recommend you teach your teens to value and attend all family moments such as conversations and meal times. For instance, you can set rules that whenever you are engaging in such family moments, all phones and tables should be on the table. This way, the kids will grow to learn how to use their smartphones as tools for enhancing and not destroying communication ties with people who matter to their lives.
With these practical smartphone management ideas, believes you will take charge of what the child does with that device you bought them. This way, you will have responsible kids who will use this technology for the right purposes they were intended for. It is now up to you to implement the measures that paper writing has shared and seen the long–term benefits that go with them.