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Summer is dwindling down so Fall is approaching quickly to the disappointment of those who are actually capable of getting a tan. Fall can be a time for those going back to school to finish or further their education as mothers. Fall is also a time that incorporates quite a few events whether it is weekend football games/tailgates or your teenager’s homecoming. Looking your best for these events isn’t necessary but it does not help to look your best at any point. There are many factors that play into looking your best including diet, lifestyle, exercise, and stress. The following are some great ways to manage these things and much more.
Exercise During All Seasons
It seems like many mothers get in shape for the summer as less clothing will be worn as well as bathing suits will come out. Keeping your body at the composition that you want it at all year just takes dedication to your routine. If your routine suffers because of the colder weather, adopt better eating habits. Having the body you want comes from a variety of things but diet is the most essential. Those with a healthy diet can have the body they want with far less exercise than those with a poor diet who spend countless hours in the gym. Use the moderate weather of the fall to get in some outdoor workouts as this isn’t always an option in the heat of summer.
Plastic Surgery? Me?
There are plenty of mothers who have turned to plastic surgery to help boost their confidence a bit. Plastic surgery has gotten some negative press as some people take it to the extreme. Nothing is wrong with getting a procedure that makes you feel better about yourself as well as look better to others. There is no limit to the procedures that can be done whether you need crow’s feet taken away from your eyes, a tummy tuck after giving birth or a chest lift after breast feeding?
A great tip is to go to the surgeon with things that you need improved. Sometimes during a consultation a surgeon will try to convince you that more work can be done at a “small cost” which can become quite costly. This will allow you and the surgeon to base your consultation off of only what you want and not any extraneous procedures.
Take Care of Your Skin and Hair
The fall is not quite as harsh on the skin as the summer is but it will still need maintenance. In colder climates it is important to keep moisturized as nothing is as bad as having dry or cracked skin in cold weather. Moisturizing is also important if you’d like to keep that summer tan as long as possible going into the fall. Coconut oil has a myriad of uses including help with skin and hair. Many celebrities have been found to put coconut oil on their skin as well as in their hair for extended periods of time as it helps moisturize both.
Update Your Wardrobe
If your fall wardrobe is lacking and has been for a few years, a wardrobe update is required. Make sure to dress so you accentuate what you believe to be your best features. Avoid certain colors and dress for the season. Bright colors can look great but if you wear a bright pink dress to your son’s football game, you might be the topic of locker room talk for the coming week. Even something like changing up your outfits can substitute for buying new clothes. Don’t let your style become stale and keep it evolving. If you want a completely new look, Lucchese Boots over skinny jeans is a great look for the winter time. Especially, if you live somewhere cold, these boots are a great way to stay warm and remain stylish.
As you can see looking your best is all in your control. Write down all of the things you’d like to improve as far as your look goes then write the steps you are going to take to achieve this. This will give you a blueprint of what has to be done so you can be the talk of the town this fall!