How fast do you think time is moving these days? If it feels as though everything’s sped up, especially compared to when you were a child, that might be because you’re so busy – when you’ve got a lot to do, it always feels as though there’s less time than there should be, and the hours, days, weeks, and even months just fly by. Actually, there are a few different theories about that and why it happens, but the idea that it’s due to being super-busy is the one that holds the most water and seems to be accurate, so that’s the one we’ll talk about.
Or rather, that’s the problem we’ll briefly discuss, because there is a solution to it. If you want time to slow down, the best thing to do is to live more slowly. How? Well, there are some very easy ways it can be done, and once you’ve read this blog post, you’ll realize you can start putting some of those ideas into practice immediately – the others can be done over time (and if you’re living more slowly, you’ll have that time). With that in mind, keep reading to find out more.

A Great Morning Routine
What do you do first thing in the morning right now? Do you immediately find you’re stressing about what you have to do during the day, and you’re itching to get started, even if you’re not quite awake yet? Or do you keep hitting the snooze button and then wake up with a jolt realizing you’re running (or have run) out of time to get everything done, so you rush and feel bad because of it?
Most people seem to do these things, and even if it’s become something of a habit, it’s not a great way to start the day – instead, if you want to live more slowly, you need to come up with a better morning routine that helps you ease into the day in a stress-free way. It all starts with waking up, and if you can enjoy the process of waking, your day will be off to a good start – begin by meditating for a moment, or doing some deep breathing exercises, and not only will you feel more awake, but you’ll feel less stressed as well and ready to tackle the day ahead.
Then, before you do anything else, make sure you have a drink and enjoy it, taking your time over it, whether it’s juice, tea, coffee, water, or whatever else you prefer. Read a book, listen to some music, look at the view, and so on – just don’t hop onto social media immediately, or your good mood could be ruined.
Mindful Eating
Morning wouldn’t be morning without a good breakfast, and then there’s lunch and dinner to think about, not to mention snacks (which shouldn’t be ruled out entirely – they can be a good idea to keep your energy levels up), and if you want to live more slowly, it’s a good idea to start mindful eating as a habit, as it really can help and make a difference.
Mindful eating basically means you need to be completely present during meals so you’re able to appreciate the flavors, textures, and smells of what you’re eating. The best way to do that is to focus on the meal, and not do anything else, such as watching TV, working, and so on. It’s also great if you can cook your own meals from scratch because you can start the mindful process off earlier, during the making of the meal, and you’ll already have a good idea of what those flavors and textures should be like. Chew slowly and try to describe each mouthful and that will help to slow you down (which is great for your digestion as well).
Digital Detox
We mentioned not going on social media while you do your waking up routine in the morning, but it might even be a good idea to put off looking at it for longer – perhaps all day if you know you need to.
As much as social media can be a great thing when it comes to connecting with like-minded people, chatting to friends, enjoying some humor, or even boosting your business, it’s clearly got a much darker side, and that darker side is a powerful one that can truly damage your mental health, even if you don’t notice it at first.
Being online can be overwhelming, especially if you have a device that’s constantly notifying you about this or that, and then there’s the fact that people can get in touch with you all the time and they’ll often have demands on your time. That’s another reason why a digital detox is such a good idea – by disconnecting with everything and reconnecting with the real world, you can become much healthier. If you’re having trouble doing that, why not switch being online for something else, like going for a walk or reading a book or perhaps discovering a new piece of music? You’ll open up your life and you’ll get away from social media, so it’s a win-win.
Find A Hobby
Another way to live more slowly is to have a hobby – that’s going to give you something to look forward to so you don’t feel so stressed, and it’s simply a fun thing to do that keeps your brain (and sometimes body) active, so all in all, hobbies are positive things.
As for what you can do, that’s really going to depend on your preference and what you like the idea of – some people love to sit with a good crossword, while others like to play sports or be creative. What interests you the most?
Whatever you choose, just remember that you don’t have to be good at your hobby because this isn’t something you need to make money from or gain skills in – just enjoying whatever it is can be enough. Of course, over time you probably will learn more and become better, but if that’s not your goal and you just want to do the hobby because it’s fun, don’t let that put you off – you can be an amateur forever and it’s not going to hurt anyone.