Exam dates have entered the calendar. Children have emerged in their study materials and are preparing to score good marks in upcoming exams. But there is fear within you and your child that makes both of you stressed out. And that is the scores for the English exam.

English can be tough if it is not the first language. But stressing out yourself and your child during the exam period is not a good option either. English is the global language of communication, and now many institutions have adapted their teaching medium to the English language.
Your child is still young and is just laying the foundation for their career. Since English has been added to the educational curriculum, your child must know and understand English to get better scores. Learning English can be made fun and easy if done correctly.
Every language is focused on 4 major parts- Read, Write, Listen, and Speak. One must be able to communicate in all of these forms to have a good grasp of any language. Here, you will learn about some simple steps to help your child understand English easily and make them score better marks in their exams.
A lot of information and data are communicated in written form. To understand all the writings, an individual needs to be able to read them.
- Alphabets and Phonetics
Alphabets are the key component of any language. If your native language doesn’t have letters similar to English alphabets, then it must be ensured that your child knows all the English alphabets and their sounds.
Younger children tend to learn alphabets in poems or songs or basically in order. As a parent, you must ensure that your child can recognize the alphabet even if they are randomly asked. Prepare your child for this by asking them about any random letters.
- Books
Children are fond of stories. Reading is considered one of the good habits that people need to have. Does your child have any story books? Is there something that they like? Is it in English or your native language? It is time to switch the books or get your children some books with English stories.
Reading books will make them understand sentence structure and grammar and will also make them build their vocabulary.
As was mentioned above, how messages are conveyed in written form makes it important for an individual to be able to write in English. Now that your child has learned the alphabet and can read, it is time to get them started with some writing.
- Stories
Your child doesn’t have to show their English skills by writing a full-fledged essay. Does your child have some great stories to tell you? Ask them to write it in English. This will not only improve their writing skills but will also get them in the habit of writing.
You can also ask your child to write something from their favorite book or maybe some magazines. By practicing writing, they will understand the use of grammar and sentence structures.
- Daily Activities
In the beginning, your child may feel daunted to write a story in a language they are not confident in enough. Then, instead of writing stories, make them write about their daily activities. It is fine even if they write a simple sentence. The main focus is to get your child to write in English.
Verbal communication differs from the written form of communication. The way sentences are formed, the choice of words and the formal and informal communication vary from the written form. Since your child is being taught the English language in school, your child needs to be able to understand what is being said. These steps can improve your child’s listening skills.
- Television
Your child must have that particular cartoon show that they never miss a chance to watch. Do they have favorite cartoon shows or movies? Switch the show from your native language to English. Watching favorite shows will make children learn and understand English while having fun.
- Radio/ Podcasts
Does your children like listening to poems. Before sleeping, do they like to listen to bedtime stories? You can now make your children listen to their bedtime stories in English. By listening, they will get to know how sentences are formed while speaking and what kinds of words are used.
Exams in schools are not just about writing. Some schools even make students give oral exams. To secure good marks, your child needs to speak up, and that too in English. So after making them read, write, and listen, they now need to learn to speak. Following ways can help your child get into a habit of speaking.
- Routine Work
Yup! It was mentioned in the writing section. But as mentioned, things can be communicated in different forms. If you are busy doing some of your work, you can also ask them to verbally tell you about their activities instead of just making them write. Or, if your child has written about it, you can ask them to read it aloud. - Daily Talks
Is there something your child has to say? Is there something they want? Ask them to say that in English. Everything they have learned will be used practically.
Children are putting all their efforts into improving themselves to score well in English. But, it is solely not their responsibility. You, as a parent, also play an important part in your child’s learning. So, you can also take some steps to help your child improve.
- Include English in Games
Games are fun, and children have a special bond with games. Then why not make English fun as well. Play some puzzles that have English words. This will improve your child’s English vocabulary. - Hire a tutor
Sometimes, it’s best to take help from an expert who can teach your child English. They can help them in the best way possible. If you’re looking for additional assistance, consider hiring qualified GCSE English tutors who can provide personalized support tailored to your child’s needs. Numerous reputable services offer expert help which can significantly impact your child’s success in their exams. Hiring a tutor can be beneficial as they would know the right tactics to make the learning process simple and fun.
But choosing the right tutor is important. Thinking how to choose the best? Try Maths Words Not Squiggles, they have experience qualified English teachers known for their unique teaching styles.
Make Learning Fun!
Exams are stressful if preparation is not done in the right way. And preparation for exams can be stressful if it is not fun to do. So make it fun. Include some games in learning. Include English in your day-to-day activities. Have small conversations in English. Involve some stories. Learning should never be stressful.