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Hundreds of millions of people around the world are diagnosed with diabetes and, as years pass and more studies get conducted, people are getting diagnosed earlier and at a younger age.

If your child receives a type 1 or 2 diabetes diagnosis, it is essential to normalize diabetes in your household. Provide your child with the tools they need to manage their diabetes and continue to live an independent, fulfilled life.
When you have the right conversations and utilize the right tools, you can ensure that your child will have everything they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Access to Safe & Affordable Insulin
If your child is diagnosed with diabetes, the most important thing to provide is safe and secure access to insulin. Insulin is essential for type 1 diabetics and, in some cases, those with type 2 diabetes.
Lack of access to this life-saving medication can have detrimental or, in some cases, fatal, effects on your child. Due to tight regulations and the high costs of insulin in the United States, it has become increasingly harder for individuals to obtain insulin for themselves or their loved ones.
It’s not uncommon for Americans to take less than their prescribed insulin to help the medication last longer because they can’t afford to refill the prescription.
To ensure your child’s consistent access to medication, consider purchasing Canadian insulin from an online prescription referral service like to get the medicine at a far more affordable price.
When you buy Canadian insulin online, you can easily refill prescriptions and get the insulin shipped directly to ensure that your child has continuous access to safe and affordable medication.
Stick to a Schedule
Skipping or missing a dose of insulin can negatively impact a child with type 1 diabetes.
The reality is that, while parents can monitor insulin administration at home, a child will need to hold themselves accountable at school.
Kids need to know how to administer the medication themselves and remember when to do it. Be sure to help your child form a schedule so that their medication is simply a part of their day to day routine.
Diabetic Education
Education plays an essential role in your child’s understanding of diabetes and their attitude towards living with their condition. Children need to be aware of the intricacies of their diagnosis so that they can better manage it and know how to explain it when required.
Knowledge can empower your child and help them to understand the nuances of their medical needs and how their body works. Misconceptions surrounding diabetes, or any medical condition for that matter, can be damaging. Your child’s physical and mental health will benefit from them being in tune with their bodies.
Show them They Are Not Alone
Your child is not the only young person living with diabetes, and it is crucial they know that. According to the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, 210,000 people diagnosed with diabetes in the U.S. in 2018 were under the age of 20.
It is common for children with diabetes to feel isolated or alone when they don’t know anyone else who is experiencing what they are living with. Encourage your child to join a diabetes support group to make meaningful connections with people they can relate to.
Your child needs to connect and socialize with individuals who understand what they are going through and can provide helpful tips for diabetes management.