Nothing is free in life. This is an untruth. Sure, humans become slaves to their jobs to pay for the necessary items, but some items are free. The explosion of the Internet allowed companies to setup classified ads, blogs and recycling websites that allows individuals to obtain free items. Granted, you may not find a brand new computer or watch, but you will be able to find some nifty items in your search for free goodies.
You might find software that you can use when learning to become an accountant. You may even locate an old computer cover. No matter what you find, you’ll want to look at certain websites to find the best items around.
Search the Classifieds
Craigslist remains the uncontested ruler of the classifieds. From geriatric chairs to recycled clothes, classified sections of popular websites will donate free items to interested individuals. You can scourge the Internet for competing classified sections, but Craigslist might be your best bet. With hundreds of United States cities listed, you can easily find old appliances, electronics and furniture.
You can see pictures of free items, descriptions and can even contact the seller. Since the individual is donating the item, he will more than likely ask you to pick up the item. A bit of a drag, but hey, it’s free.
Visit BarterQuest
Bartering has been around since before the establishment of modern civilization. People would typically barter goods for food or services. Today, bartering remains alive and strong – only in a different venue and form. BarterQuest offers a large trading venue where individuals can post descriptions of items and trade them for something necessary.
Say, for instance, you have an old electronic you want to discard. Selling the item seems to present several obstacles, so instead, you decide to barter the device for an appliance. You and an interested individual will agree on trade terms, arrange a time to initiate the trade and complete the transaction. Just remember, use some common sense when dealing with strangers. Be smart. Protect yourself from harm.
Blogs gave common man a voice. Blogs also made it possible for individuals with a talent for attracting readers to compose reviews. SmartSampling, one of the largest free sample websites, provides individuals with free products to review. The reviewer simply reads or tests the product and writes a detailed description, discussing the pros and cons followed by posting the review a blog.
Each review and sample site is different. Most website will ask individuals to write longer reviews; other sites will require some type of professional education to review a product. Read the guidelines before signing up for a sample website. Some websites that want reviews on electronics may or may not let you keep the product. For example, a site offering cell phone for reviews typically will not let you keep the phone.
Whether you decide to barter, review or search the classifieds, free items await. Just be cautious when dealing with other individuals. Sure the items may be free, but some individuals may use these forms to beguile and rob individuals. Exercise caution and make sure you understand the rules of every website you interact on.
Fox News (2012)
The Digerati Life (2009)