When you file for child custody, you’re committing to the process for the long haul. To get custody of your child, you must do all to present your side of the story to the court.
Physical custody, not child support or legal custody, is the most pressing issue for most single parents. However, where do you begin? Contact a family attorney and take the following actions to reclaim custody of your child.
Consult a lawyer
In theory, you do not have to pay an attorney to obtain custody of your child. Nonetheless, it is strongly advised. Your family law attorney could offer a free consultation that may help you better grasp your situation and alternatives if you don’t currently have one.
Be aware of your state’s child custody laws
It would be best if you become informed of the child custody laws in your state to obtain custody of your child. Inquire about these points if you’re working with a lawyer ahead of your next child custody hearing. Make it a priority and allocate sufficient time for research.
Access state-specific custody resources
Numerous states now make their child custody information online, including the forms required to file for custody.
Complete all necessary forms
Consult your state’s requirements to determine whether you must also get your application notarized. This service is complimentary at a large number of bank branches. Complete all sections except the signature and bring it to a nearby notary public if it does. You do not want to cause any delays due to a forgotten item.
Complete the paperwork and return them to the county courthouse
In most states, child custody documents must be filed in person. Bear in mind that the clerk is not permitted to offer legal advice. They can only provide you with information on filing your paperwork correctly. Being courteous and friendly never hurts!
Prepare for court hearing and appearance
It would be best to prepare for court regardless of whether you work with a lawyer or represent yourself. The session is scheduled to last approximately 15 to 20 minutes, given that you will only have a few minutes to express yourself and consider what you wish to say.
Attend the child custody hearing
While this should be self-evident when seeking custody of your child, you’d be surprised how frequently parents forget or appear late for their court date. If possible, arrive early. Consider your appearance as well, and dress professionally for your court appearance.
Justify your position
You will not be required to speak in front of a group, as there will be no jury. Maintain your composure and speak slowly and clearly. Disclose the facts of your case in the order in which you are aware of them. Never interrupt the judge, and ensure that you thoroughly respond to all of their inquiries.
Bring patience
This is the most challenging component. Many parents want the judge to make a decision immediately. Still, in most cases, the judge must appear in court numerous times before rendering a final judgment on child custody. Be patient and trust that you have done everything possible up to this point to regain custody of your child.
Respect the judge’s decision
Keep in mind that you can petition the court for a rehearing at a later date. Make every attempt to comply with any court requirements, and trust that your efforts will be rewarded when your case is examined.