There are a lot of factors to take into account when deciding which college you want to attend, but one of the most important is finding the best fit for you and your individual needs. For LGBT students, that includes finding a campus where they can feel safe and supported. Since college brochures and advertisements don’t usually offer much insight on that front, it can be a challenge for students to select a college that they’re sure they’ll enjoy the experience of attending. If you want to learn more, keep reading to find out how to find a top LGBT-friendly college.
How can you find a top LGBT-friendly college?
No matter where you decide to attend school, you may find that you need guidance beyond what’s available on campus. If you need help or someone to discuss your situation with, don’t be afraid to look for LGBT therapy resources in your area. Suppose you’re currently seeing a therapist or plan to visit one who specializes in LGBT issues. In that case, you can even ask them for some tips on choosing a college where you’ll have a positive experience in a supportive learning environment.
It’s common for LGBT students to have a hard time in high school, and they can often be more vulnerable to bullying than their peers. When choosing a college, finding a school that provides a supportive and accepting environment is usually a high priority. However, it can be tricky to know which colleges offer that kind of atmosphere, especially if you’ve never been there and don’t know any current or former students.
The best thing you can do is visit the schools you want to attend for yourself. Spending time on campus and meeting actual students and staff members will teach you more about what it would be like to go there than any brochure or advertisement online. You can also do research and read about what schools LGBT people have recommended. The internet has made it easier than ever to find reviews and details about the experiences that former students have had.
What else can you do to prepare to start school?
Once you have a list of schools you want to apply to, you should craft the best application possible. With admissions getting increasingly competitive, it’s worth finding a college admissions consultant to help you through the process. Acceptance rates for ivy league schools are typically in the single digits, and other top schools don’t offer much better odds. Working with an admissions counselor with years of experience helping students get accepted to their dream school will give you an edge over other applicants.
You’ll also need to start planning for moving in. It’s never too early to start thinking about how you’re going to decorate your dorm room or what essentials you’ll need to bring with you. Getting an idea of what size room you’re going to have is a good place to start. Most schools will include a visit to a typical dorm room as a part of their campus tour, which is another reason you should visit schools before making a decision. It may help to reach out to other current students online for tips.
Since we live in a world where there is still so much bullying and hatred, LGBT students need to prioritize their comfort and safety when searching for a college to attend. Fortunately, there are many resources available both on and offline to help you make an informed decision. Visit the campuses of your favorite options and take the time to reach out to current and former students for advice. Keep in mind that no matter where you go to school, there are always professional resources available to help you with any issues you struggle with during college.