Parenting a spiritually mature child is an eye-opening experience. You see them differently from the other kids in the family because they are different. A gifted child is more compassionate, empathic, and charismatic, and these traits are inborn. Such children have a penchant for disciple-making, making them apt for church leadership roles. Once the kid steps into the teens, you can do your bit to show the way ahead. But these years are perhaps the most challenging, even for these children, so they need parental guidance and support. Let us share some tips to encourage your teen to become a disciple-maker.

Become a role model
Parents make the best role models for children, and your responsibility gets bigger if you have a future spiritual leader in the family. While you should model positive values from the outset, be even more vigilant as your kids step into their teenage. They will pay more attention, which means you must only set good examples of compassion, honesty, and integrity. Be a subtle teacher instead of a loud preacher because teens follow actions better than words.
Share your vision
Gifted children probably know their skills and strengths by the time they become teenagers. They may even have a few followers at school and in their peer groups. It is the right time to share your vision and encourage them to use their gifts to help others. Open conversations about plans and goals are a good way to get them on the right track. But remember not to pressurize your teen. Let them find their calling without your input.
Explore learning opportunities
Discipleship is a challenging task, and even the best speakers and thinkers need help to achieve the goal. If your teen seems inclined to step into the role of a disciple-maker, help them explore learning opportunities. Luckily, church leaders can enroll in discipleship training programs to enhance their skills. Such programs empower them to transform people and impact communities. Your child may want to train down the line, so knowing about such learning opportunities encourages them.
Strengthen positive routines
A positive environment at home creates the foundation of disciple-making in later life. You can create it by strengthening positive routines for the family. Follow a daily prayer ritual and make Bible reading a part of your routine. The good thing is that these habits do more than benefit the future disciple-maker. It also has a positive influence on everyone else in the family.
Help deal with everyday challenges
A teenager deals with several challenges, and even a gifted child encounters them. Young students face academic stress and social distractions. Exposure to the internet makes it easy to stray from the greater goal of church leadership. Being there as a parent is crucial as you must help the kid to navigate these challenges and stick to their goal, regardless of the temptations they face during their teen years.
Parents can play a significant role in the lives of gifted children. While you must support them throughout, they need more attention during their teenage. Follow these tips to encourage your child to become a successful disciple-maker and church leader.