Do you spend a lot of time on a commute to your gym and back home? Whether you want to spend that time more usefully or you just do not like sharing your workout space with other people (especially during the pandemic), there is a simple solution to your problem. If your garage is just sitting there like an oversized junk drawer, it may be a great idea to convert it into your very own gym. Do not worry, this project doesn’t have to break the bank. Follow these tips and find out how you can turn that dusty old garage into your new favorite workout spot.

Throw out the junk
While garages are primarily designed for vehicles, many people keep their cars parked in the driveway since their garage is full of old things they do not use anymore. If this is the case, it is time to roll up your sleeves and clear out that space. See which items should be donated, kept, and thrown away. When your garage is finally empty, you can start planning where everything will go.
Insulate your garage
Next, you need to ensure that the temperature in your garage doesn’t vary as much as it did. After all, you will be using this space much more than you used to. Also, your equipment will last much longer if the temperature is stable. Moreover, working out in a space that isn’t too hot or cold will be more enjoyable. Use garage insulation to turn your garage into a comfy area.
Consider flooring options
The bare concrete floor may not be your best friend if you plan to use your garage as a workout space. Instead, consider installing carpet tiles, rubber, or using an epoxy coating to create a more shock-absorbent flooring. Your joints will thank you.
Organize storage space
Have you decided to keep some things that were in your garage before the cleanup? If so, place the items you will save back in the garage, but this time make sure they are neatly organized. Installing cabinets, racks, and wall-mounted bins will help your workout space look tidy and clean. You can also use that storage space to put away your dumbbells, mats, jump ropes, and other smaller equipment pieces.
Buy the equipment you will actually use
Nowadays, there are tons of exercise machines to choose from. However, since they can cost a pretty penny, think about your body goals before you go shopping. Are you looking to lose weight? Or maybe your primary goal is to build muscle? Get a treadmill or a stationary bike if you wish to shed a few pounds. On the other hand, you will need various weights, a pull-up bar, and maybe even a punching bag to build muscle. Keep in mind that you do not have to buy brand new equipment. Instead, see what you can find on garage sales and your local ads. Many people are selling exercise gear in good shape, so consider buying second-hand items. Also, you do not have to buy everything all at once. Slowly start building your collection and buy items only when you run into a good deal.
Personalize your space
Your gym should be a space where you feel comfortable and motivated to work out. Therefore, splash a coat of calming shade of paint on those walls, put up some posters that will keep your going, and install speakers so you can blast your favorite tunes while getting into shape. If you are willing to splurge a bit more on your home gym, you can get a TV that you will use to watch workout videos.
Although you will need to invest some money into your new workout place, this space will save you a lot in the long run. Just think about all those memberships you will no longer have to pay for and the gas money you won’t need to spend.