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We easily get lost in puppies’ eyes, and kittens catch our hearts through their sweetness. But having pets is not about how cute they are or how sweet they can be. There are a lot of factors you have to consider before taking a pet into your home.

Type of Pets
Every kind of animal has different sets of needs (daily care, nutrition, housing, treatments, etc.). Some animals require a considerable amount of physical interaction, and some just have to be fed and cleaned. If you’re confused about which pet to pick for your family, here’s a list of some potential animals you can choose from:
It would be easier for children to have fish as their first pet because they only really need clean feeding and water maintenance. Getting everything available for your pet fish would only be the hard part – tanks, filters, aquarium heaters, chemicals, and whatnot – but after you get everything ready, you don’t need to spend too much time on them. A reef aquarium is a fun, educational tool that parents and children can enjoy together. children not only develop learning skills but because they get excited about their aquarium, are eager to share what they learned with family members and friends.
Reptiles like tortoises are the animals that live long enough to make you avoid mourning over your pet’s death. But because of their lifespan, they require lengthy commitment. They also, like fish, do not require much maintenance because they get most of their moisture from their food.
If you’d want leg-less pets, ball pythons would be the perfect choice for a first-timer. They come in different colors and aren’t that big to handle. Balls are tiny and shy, so they’re a bit more appealing. They also have about 25-30 years to live, so they also require a lot of commitment.
Iguanas and giant snakes are the reptiles that can be too moody and aggressive, so having them as pets can give you too much to handle.
Birds are more active than reptiles or snakes. They have much more color and are pretty friendly pets, which can entice children. Aside from all the fun things birds can give you, they make a lot of mess, so before getting a bird, make sure you fully commit to raising these feathery creatures.
Dogs are the most popular pets on the planet. They’re cuddly and lovable, and with proper training, they can be therapeutic. Unlike the first three types of pets mentioned above, dogs need a lot of care and attention. They need daily exercise and socializing with other canines. Also, they require a lot of maintenance, such as grooming to remove Pet’s dander, going to your veterinarian regularly and spend a lot of money on pet food.
Cats are more independent than dogs. They don’t need the same attention that dogs do. They don’t need daily exercise, but they still need to be fed regularly and be brought to the veterinarian for treatments. Unlike dogs, they can take care of their own waste outside your home. They groom themselves by licking their bodies, which makes them the epitome of cleanliness. It’s also best to read cat flea and tick treatment reviews for proper cat hygiene care.
Rodents like mice, hamsters, gerbils, and guinea pigs, have a short life span. They need regular feeding and cleaning so children may be able to learn responsibility through taking care of these tiny furballs.
These bigger fur babies need much more care than a few other types of pets. They need proper cleaning and housing, a big space for exercising, and adequate food and diet. Because of how meticulous rabbits have to be taken care of, they aren’t recommended as pets for young children.
Once you’ve chosen the type of pet you want, you might also want to research on their different breeds.
Pet Care and Cost
Before you finally commit to bringing your favored animal into your home, know that you aren’t only going to be spending on your new baby once. It’s a commitment. There are going to be expenses like veterinary check-ups, treatments, immunizations, medical costs, and whatnot. You have to plan for the expenses beforehand and make sure you are more than ready to take this dear pet into your family.
Aside from expenses, time is another thing you need to give your pet. Consider your lifestyle and compare it to the needs of the pet you choose to have. Do you have a lot of patience and time to spend with your pet, or are you the busy type? Some pets are very social and need most of your time. Match your lifestyle with your pet’s needs and see if you can handle its necessities.
Are you okay with having your pet indoors? If not, do you have a yard? Is it fenced? You also have to consider the size and set-up of your home. Most pets need space so they can exercise and play around. Also, if you live in an apartment, consider your landlord’s preferences. Some are okay with having pets around, but some prefer none at all.
Health Issues
List down your family’s health issues and match it with your potential pets. Some people have pet allergies, which can be life-threatening. Pet’s dander can cause asthma attacks, so better make sure you consider your health before adopting a cute furry baby.
Young Children
Do you have babies or young children at home? Some babies can be rough with pets, which can make pets aggressive. Puppies and kittens undergo their playful and biting phase, so it may not be suitable for young children to be openly playful with them. Older dogs and cats are a bit more patient, but it’s still not a guarantee. Old or young, you still need to have eyes on your children when interacting with whatever pet you have at home.
Other Pets
Before taking a new pet home, also consider the preference of your current pet. Do you think your pet would accept having a new housemate? Would they be okay if a new inmate would invade their territory? You could try having your friend’s pet over and see how your pet reacts to their presence.