Moving to Norway? Lucky you! It is a beautiful country with a lot of amazing things to see, places to visit and people to meet. Even if it wasn’t your dream country in the past, you’ll soon fall in love with it after your relocation. I know that moving somewhere for good can be difficult and painful, but there’s no doubt that you’ll love the new country you’ll soon start calling “home”.
Lots of things to get in order after you’ve just moved, though. For starters, you can’t exactly forget the people you have left behind. You’ll want to get in touch with them every now and then. And then, of course, you’ll also meet new people in Norway as well, and you’ll want to stay in touch with them too. While the Internet is making that easier to a certain extent, you’ll still need to get a mobile and a great mobile subscription plan, that is, a package that will work for your specific needs.
Even if you haven’t moved for good and you’re simply planning on spending some time in this country before you go back home, or go on another adventure to another foreign country for that matter, you’ll still want to find det beste mobilabonnement for you, that is, the best mobile phone package to make communication easier while you’re in this country. Not having the best package could complicate your plans of communicating with people back home, or even with those people you’ll meet in Norway. Making the right choice is, thus, a must, and you’ll need to be careful if you want to end up using the best mobile package for you.
What does it mean to be careful here, though? It’s not like you’re doing a chemical experiment that could result in an explosion. Still, being careful is important, because going into this recklessly and making the wrong choice, although it won’t result in an explosion, will lead to you getting frustrated with the plan you’ve selected, realizing that you’re paying for something that doesn’t really work well for you. Not what you want, is it?
Sure not! Therefore, doing proper research is a must, and I’ll help you out with that. Basically, below I will list some tips that could lead you towards choosing the perfect mobile package in Norway for you. Contacting your friends and family, both in the country and abroad, will be rather easy once you have the perfect mobile plan on your side. Coming to the point of having that perfect plan, though, is what’s tricky, and that’s what I’m here to help you with.
- Get Some Suggestions from the Locals
You might not have lived in Norway for a long time, but other people sure have! Met some locals already? No? It’s time to do it, not only because they could give you most of the information you need about the country and help you fit in much better, recommending nice restaurants, places to visit and similar things, but also because making meaningful connections is important for you as a human being, especially if you’re planning on staying in this country for good.
And, of course, if you’ve made some connections already, and if you’ve met some locals, remember to ask about their suggestions regarding mobile packages during one of your interesting conversations. The people you’ve met have mobile phones, don’t they? Would be quite weird if they didn’t. So, get your suggestions and remember them, because you’ll be comparing the features of the packages later on.
- Search Online
Haven’t met anyone yet, but need to choose your mobile plan as soon as possible? The Internet is always there to help. In fact, even if you have received some interesting suggestions from various people during the step above, you should still use the Internet to help you. Why? Because those people may not be familiar with all the providers out there, meaning they may not have recommended the best option, even though they were quite willing to do so.
Using your browser, you should easily find various different mobile package providers in Norway. Creating a list of those you think could be right for you is important in this stage, because you can’t possibly remember all the different providers and plans you’ll come across. And, a list will help make your research more organized and systematic, ultimately leading to you knowing everything there is to know about all of those different plans you’re considering, resulting in making the best possible choice.

- Determine What You Specifically Need
Before you even begin doing the more detailed research, you should create another list. A list of things you need and want to get form the plan you choose. How much data do you need, and is data rollover something you’d benefit from? Would you like to be able to send free text or voice messages? What about international calls and the costs of those?
Here is how you can benefit from a cheap option:
Anyway, determining your specific needs will help you eliminate those providers that aren’t willing to offer you what you need right away. This is precisely why taking this step before doing more detailed research and before digging deeper for information is a must. You’ll cut the research short by immediately eliminating unsuitable providers and you won’t waste your time checking out those plans that don’t exactly work for you.
- Always Go for Trusted Providers
Now it’s time to get back to doing some more serious research on those providers. Going for trusted ones is, without a doubt, the most important thing here. You could get tempted by some shady providers, especially if you notice them offering rather low fees, but you should be smarter than that. Smart enough to never enter into any agreements with providers that seem illegitimate and that could be looking to trick you in one way or another.
Doing detailed research will help check legitimacy, as well as determine experience and reputation of the providers you’re considering. Ultimately, this will lead to being left with only trusted providers to choose from, and those trusted ones will certainly offer you great plans. Plans you should cross reference to your list of needs and requirements, so as to be absolutely sure you can get what you need. I know that the research may take time, but it will certainly all be worth it.
- Find Comparison Websites to Help You Choose
If looking for a way to do the research more easily and more quickly, and you probably are, then here’s one thing to consider doing. Finding comparison websites that can be of great help. Websites like those have been created with the purpose of helping you get all your info at one and the same place, allowing you to easily compare all the different providers and their plans in no time. Of course, choosing a website that is trustworthy is a must as well, because you want to be sure you’re getting factual and objective information, and not information clouded by personal opinions. After you find a great website like that, you’ll have a much easier time determining which mobile packages could be right for you, as well as which providers could offer the best option.
- Remember That Prices Matter
I’ve mentioned above you could be tempted by low fees, which might have made you think that you should completely ignore the fees during your research, or go for a more expensive option just because you think more expensive equals better. That’s not the impression I wanted to give you, though. While choosing based on the fees alone is the wrong move, remembering that those fees matter and taking time to compare them is definitely significant. Your goal here is to find providers that offer mobile packages that work best for your needs, while also being reasonable with the fees they are charging.
- Compare and Choose
Having taken the time to get all the necessary information, mostly with the help of those comparison sites we’ve talked about, you should also take a little bit of time to compare the plans and the providers all on your own. Doing so will lead to making the right choice. And, once you’ve made it, you’ll simply have to apply for the subscription and start enjoying your phone calls, both in the country and abroad.