Take a stroll through any stores baby doll section and you may be surprised by the huge range of different styles and options they are selling these days. Of course, variety is not a bad thing, but too much choice can make it difficult to know which would be the best baby doll to pick out for your daughter. That’s where this handy guide comes in – it’s designed to help you look at various points, so you can make a great decision on which baby doll will be joining your family.

Choose a doll that looks right
It’s fair to say some baby dolls look a little odd, even scary, and younger children may not find that appealing. It’s always safer to go for a doll with a regular expression, rather than one which looks upset, or is always asleep, as this can easily lead and dominate subsequent play scenarios. Older children may enjoy dolls with more unique features.
Think about what kind of body it has
A baby or very small child is best suited to an unstuffed, pliable doll, one that is easier to grasp and cuddle, has its clothes attached to its body, and is designed to be safe for youngsters who love to chew everything. Once your daughter hits aged 2 or 3 she will begin to enjoy dolls with a firmer body which can be dressed and undressed. Older children enjoy posing their ‘babies’, so dolls with properly jointed legs and arms are a great choice. You can find more dolls at dolls australia.
When it comes to appearance you may want to think about size, hair color and skin shade, and choose a baby doll which complements both your daughter’s existing collection (if any), and reflects both her identity and the community she lives in. Some girls crave a baby doll which looks like them, others don’t mind or prefer a mixture of looks.
What kind of ‘extras’ will appeal to your daughter?
Small children are content with a basic baby doll to hug, but as they grow and develop so can their baby dolly. Slightly older children can really enjoy baby dolls that can eat and drink, (and pee and poop); others love to dress their baby doll in new outfits with matching accessories. Some brand name baby dolls even come with matching outfits for your daughter to wear too.
For a handy look at some more top baby doll suggestions, along with a look at their pros and cons, check out https://thetoyreport.com/action-figures-dolls/best-baby-dolls/.
Buying for an older daughter
Older girls may be getting a little too old for baby dollies, but they often love the newborn or realistic look baby dolls on the market. These both look and feel very close to how a real baby does, and encourage more mature play. There are also some great toddler size dolls which appeal to tweenies, being less ‘childish’ than standard baby dolls.
Choose a great baby doll for your daughter means you can be sure she will get to enjoy many years of happiness from it.