Mathematics, as languages, is a compulsory subject for every child, because it forms a certain type of thinking. Even for those who are not good at math, don’t understand formulas and find it difficult to solve equations, math helps to develop the skills of logical structured thought. This may not be useful for them when entering college, because most likely they will have to write an essay or take a skills exam (art, sports, music, etc.). However, in ordinary life it will be very difficult to do without mathematics, no matter they says opposite. And it’s not about simple arithmetic.
Just like chess, mathematics teaches consistency, variance, and probability. And makes understand the volume, space and time conceptions. Every person who is not very good at mathematics can confirm that sometimes it is very difficult to come up with, especially when it comes to finding logically structured solutions (not mathematical, but life-related) in real life. For those who are advanced in math, continuing the learning that prepares you for tournaments and complex equations usually requires the assistance of RandomMath.com or other similar experts.
All this suggests that mathematics lessons should occupy a special place in education of every child. Even if he/she doesn’t become a great mathematician, he must study this science as if he plans to become one. It is also important to choose the right curriculum and it is desirable to do this individually for each and every child. It is very important to take into account the specificity of perception and the speed of processing of information, expressed in numbers, letters and graphs.
Of course, it’s so difficult to do this when lessons are held in classes with several dozen students. However, this can be easily arranged in personal lessons with a teacher or independently at home (with parents) or even in small groups where children with similar specificities of working with mathematical operations are gathered.
So, let’s see what parameters parents need to pay attention to before choosing math curriculum for their children.
Decide why your child needs math classes now. Is he/she not doing well in school? Looking to start preparing for higher education? Is that what his classmates do? It’s very important to understand it, because the effectiveness of the program you choose and the success of yoru child in the present and in the future will depend on it.
To begin with, it’s not worth turning math lessons into hanging out with friends. There are sports and art sections, workshops, hobbies, and much more you for this.
If you plan to choose a mathematics curriculum as an investment in future, you should focus on fundamental programs with deep mathematics learning.
If you want just to improve your kid’s skills in the current semester, then you can consider light programs that are focused on the school curriculum.
Frequency of lessons
Considering that we are talking about pre-adolescent children, it is very important to determine the frequency of math classes your child needs. Regardless of the program, you need to individually evaluate your child, as mentioned above. If he/she is so good in math, you can choose an intensive program (2-3 times a week). If he / she needs much time to understand and digest the material, then it makes sense to choose 1 lesson per week. An experienced teacher will help you to determine this with just 1-2 trial lessons. It’s a case when quality, not quantity, is responsible for the result. In addition, exceeding the frequency of lessons can reduce the child’s motivation if he/she is not able to deal with the program so quickly.
It is wrong to choose a curriculum based on price alone, however, along with other criteria, price is one of the most important indicators of how far you can progress in teaching your little one.
You can always find a teacher for the program you have chosen in a different price range. So if your budget doesn’t allow you to enroll your child in an annual premium course with so many advantages, look for a more affordable option.
Online or Offline
Perhaps, one of the main criteria for choosing a curriculum after the crisis-2020. The choice between e-learning and face-to-face lessons should be made based not only on hygienic considerations, but also on the physiological features of your child. Observe the child and determine if he/she is an owl or lark, record the hours of maximum physical and mental activity, as well as their decline. Observe how child behaves in front of the computer screen, whether it’s comfortable.
If you’re in doubt, take 1or 2 face-to-face lessons with teacher to understand child’s behavior in different environment. Then compare the results. This will help you to choose between online and offline.
We’re talking about mathematics, why is philosophy one of the criteria?
Right, mathematics also has its own philosophy. Philosophy of approach to problem solving, development of thought or related skills.
To understand the importance of philosophy in mathematics, let’s look at Singapore Math, a typical example of a philosophical curriculum. This unique technique allows child to develop his/her own style of approach to finding problem solutions, find different ways to solve the same issue, as well as develop analytical, communication, modeling and metacognitive skills.
Do you feel the difference from the common traditional approach? Despite the apparent complexity, this kind of curriculum is suitable for many children. And if earlier it was available only in far away countries of Asia, now you can join to the eSingapore Math program online as well.
The online curriculum offers not only lectures, but also placement tests after completing each level. All processes and interface are optimized for children’s perception.
Location matters only if you have chosen in-person training. For example, for eSingapore Math curriculum, there is an offline alternative in different countries.
When moving to another country, the language plays a huge role in success of both the chosen program and your child, so if you find that he/she has difficulties in studying in a new country with another language, it makes sense to switch to online learning in your native language (or English, if speaks).
Children with disabilities
You should be especially responsible when choosing math curriculum for children with disabilities. It requires prior consultation not only with teacher, but also with a physician and psychologist. The main factor that needs to be paid attention to is the physical and psycho-emotional conditions in which the lessons are held. It’s important for any child, but for children with disabilities it can be a key factor in curriculum choice. Often, parents of such children need to be nearby to them during each lesson, so it’s important to combine parent’s schedule with lessons to be comfortable for everyone.
Math curriculum choice for children is not an easy and at the same time understandable process. If you take into account all of the aforementioned criteria, as well as individual criteria for you and your child, the learning process will be comfortable, effective and will build a great foundation for your child’s future.